Page 53 of Lethal

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“You gave a sacrifice to the seal, and your blood activated my resurrection. It’s… necromancy. But your ancestor was well versed in necromancy.”

I shiver. “I don’t want to be a necromancer. I don’t wantany of this.” I turn away from him, but his smooth palms rise to caress my shoulders.

“I’m sorry, Kira. But for what it’s worth, I am more grateful than you can ever know. You have given me another chance at life.”

I shake my head. “Have I? You can’t leave this room, and there are dozens of people up there who don’t want vampires here. Seeing you would freak everyone out. Maybe even start a new war.”

“Maybe they never need to see me,” he says. “If we can figure out a way to bring down the ward, then I can sneak out of this place and never come back.”

I turn back to him. “Never come back?”

He slides a finger down my cheek. “Would that bother you?”

Hell yes, it bothers me. It makes me want to grab him and never let go… but that’s not a rational reaction for a human girl when faced with a vampire. Running away and screaming makes more sense.

But I’m not a human girl anymore. I’m an aura from a long line of powerful necromancers. I’m a lot closer to darkness than I ever thought possible.

“Yes,” I say, ignoring all the complex feelings bubbling below the surface.

That simple “yes” is all it takes for him to come closer to me, to wrap his arms around me. That “yes” prompts him to place his soft lips on mine and kiss me so deeply my knees weaken. His scent engulfs me, musky and intense, and I press my palms to his chest, where he’s solid and broad.

Then I’m kissing him back, and we’re both clinging to each other like it’s our last moments on earth. My bodyresponds to his touch, arching towards him. His hands tangle in my hair. A deep groan rumbles in his throat, almost a growl, and it sends electricity up and down my limbs.

I’ve never known a kiss to make me feel so warm, like sunshine on my skin. Like this is the most exciting thing that has ever happened but is also familiar and comforting. Cyrus is both new and known. Someone who’s come into my life and shaken it up and someone my soul recognises. Someone my soul belongs to.

Every part of my body screams,I’m his, I’m his, I’m his.

Later, I know I’ll question this. I’ll analyse it and wonder whether this is the blood connection between us. But not now. No. I want him, and he wants me. It’s that simple. Now, the world simply melts away from us.

His fingertips trace down the side of my face and down my neck, and his arms loop around my back, pulling me against him. I can barely breathe as we kiss. Time stands still.

When we finally break apart, he whispers my name. “Kira.”

A shiver works through my entire body. Tingling from my toes to my scalp, I roll up the sleeve of my shirt and give him my arm. Cyrus sinks his fangs into my flesh, and my knees buckle.


“Where have you been?”Laila snaps when I walk into our room. Sitting on her bed, she scowls at me, her brown eyes shining with annoyance.

I lean over and smoosh her cheeks between my hands. “Were you worried about me? You were, weren’t you?”

Laila wriggles out of my grip and frowns. “Seriously. You said you were coming back here to eat, and surprise, surprise, you’ve disappeared again.” She rolls her eyes then really looks at me. “Why the hell are you so smiley? You look like some dopey woman in a rom-com.”

“Do I?” I try to rearrange my facial expression into something more neutral. “I dunno. I guess I liked the fresh air when I went for a walk.”

“You do know there’s a killer on the loose, right?”

I flop down on my bed. “What are your theories about that? Do you think there is a vampire family in Greenland?”

“I think it’s blood magic,” Laila says, blunt as ever. “Someone is creating sacrifices for power. They’re just making us think it’s vampires to throw us off the scent. Or they wantus to think the vampires are back to start up some chaos. Maybe they want war.”

“War.” I frown. “Why would anyone want that?” I shudder. “So, who do you think it is? Someone in the school? A student? A teacher?”

Laila’s face turns ashen. “I don’t know. We can’t trust anyone, though. And I definitely can’t trustyou, seeing as you’re always sneaking around.”

I laugh. “What, you think I’m going to kill you in your sleep?”

Laila stares at me impassively.
