Page 64 of Lethal

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We’re just afraid of getting caught,he says.It’s your subconscious twisting your experiences.

You think?I ask.

Yes. No one could see us. The crypt is completely sealed when the door is closed.

I shower and change in a daze. Octavia never came back to the rooms to tell us what happened after the screaming. It’s so strange, like I’m living in a dystopian world with a terrible despot controlling our every move.

Then I check myself.This is a school. Of course, we have todo what we’re told. That’s what happens in a school. It’s not some grand conspiracy. The teachers are trying to keep us safe.

Though they are failing miserably.

“Want to grab some breakfast?” I ask Laila.

She still isn’t dressed. But today is visitor’s day, so we don’t have lessons in the morning. It’s also the day my mother is coming, and truthfully, I don’t actually want to eat. My stomach is in knots.

But I do want Laila to talk to me.

She turns away.

“You have secrets too, you know,” I blurt out. “Like whatever hell monkey you keep under your bed.” I grab my wallet and phone, shoving both into my jean pockets. The good thing about visitor’s day is that school uniforms aren’t mandatory. “And you’re the one who told me we wouldn’t even be friends. Not that I don’t want to be friends, because I do.” I sigh. “Please talk to me.”

But she stays silent.

“Fine.” I storm out, slamming the door behind me.


Throughout my entiretime at the academy, there have been whispers and rumours and even tears in the recreation room. I mean, I knew moving to Monster High was going to have its issues, but some days, I really feel like I’m in a horror movie.

“Coop!” I hurry to the familiar face over by the chess board. “What happened last night?”

His usual golden-retriever enthusiasm is gone. Instead, he’s pale with dark circles under his eyes. “Nathan is missing.”


“We must have heard him screaming.” Cooper rubs his eyes. He looks like he hasn’t had a wink of sleep. “I went back to my room, but he was gone.”

No.“Did you find any blood?”

He shakes his head. “Nothing like that. But those screams…” His eyes drift to the other side of the room. “Octavia has a search party looking out for him, but this isn’t good. Jenny Valetta…”

I know what he doesn’t want to say.Jenny Valetta died. That means Nathan could also be dead.

“Something weird is happening,” Cooper says. “We’ve lost students to the Reavers in the past, but this is different. Reavers can’t coordinate their attacks. They’re mindless killing machines. Either they’ve suddenly become sentient, or we’re being attacked by one of our own. I’m just worried for Nathan.” He groans. “And his parents are coming today. What am I going to say to them?”

I place a hand on his arm. “Let Octavia worry about that.”

“Thanks, Belvedere.” Cooper flashes me a ghost of his lopsided smile.

“You should try and rest. Go listen to some Kenny G.”

He laughs a little. “Kenny Rogers.”

“I know.” I smile. “But it got a laugh out of you, right?”

He nods. “Do you have parents visiting today?”

“My mum.” I flex my fingers, thinking about what I’m going to say to her. Wondering if it’s going to be awkward.
