Page 9 of Lethal

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My shoulders sag. It all sounds so overwhelming. I’m going to be stuck in a cold castle on a Scottish island with a bunch of witches and werewolves, while Dad will be here, in Manchester, with my stepmum and the twins. Carrie will be here too. She’ll get to go to my old, normal school while I’m away. And Mum… Well, she won’t be in Scotland, either.

It’s going to be just me, on my own.

“Is there anything we can do for Kira? Anything that would mean she doesn’t have to leave here?” Dad asks. His voice sounds soft and sad. Tired, perhaps.

“No.” Cooper’s voice is firm, all traces of amusement gone from his tone. “I’m sorry, but no. She has to come with me.”


“Coop,is there any chance we could listen to something else?Anythingelse?”

We’re two hours into the drive up to Scotland, and I’m about ready to plug my ears with whatever crap I can find on Cooper’s dashboard.That paper clip might do the trick. At least if I no longer have eardrums, I won’t be able to hear this anymore.

“What, you don’t like Kenny Rogers? Glen Campbell or June Carter Cash?” He shakes his head. “Not even bluegrass?”

“Cooper, you’re apparently my age. And I assume you’re from the United Kingdom. So for the love of God, why do you have the same taste in music as a fifty-year-old man from Oklahoma?”

He shrugs. “I don’t know. I just do. It makes me feel good.” He taps the steering wheel and sings along with the current song in a deep, throaty voice. Then he grins at me, his smile turning crooked. “All right. Point taken. I know noteveryone has the same amazing taste in music as I do. I’m clearly a connoisseur.”

“Clearly.” I roll my eyes. “You know, I’m kinda having an emotional moment here. I just left my home.”

“Which is why you need old Kenny R. to help you get the emotions out,” he says then sighs at my expression. “But it’s your call. I’ll put the radio on.”

We hop through a few stations until we find something that isn’t terrible. Then I let my head rest against the seat, watching the streets and scenery go by.

When it begins to rain, I find myself thinking about Mum. I can’t believe she kept all this aura business from me. Could that have been the reason why my mum and her mum never got on? I was about seven when Gran died, so I don’t remember her all that well, but she always made me smile. She was kind and fun, and we laughed a lot together. The problem was that whenever Gran and Mum were in the same room, they started bickering, usually leading to us leaving early.

What if they were arguing about magic?

“Want to stop for some food?” Cooper asks.

I shake my head. “I’m not hungry.”

“Power through it is.” He nods. “Just shout if you need the bathroom. I’ll find a service station.”


After a moment, he looks at me again. “So, it’s been a big day. How are you doing?”

“Mid,” I say.

“That’s better than low, I guess. Do you want to talk about it?”

I shrug but don’t answer.

“You know, I understand a little of what you’re going through. I’ve always known about my future, being born into a magical family and all that. But I still had to leave them behind to attend the academy. And I had to meet new people and make new friends. It’s tough, but you strike me as someone who can handle tough.”

“I guess I’m about to find out.”

My phone dings, and I pull up a text from Carrie.Where r u?

I have no idea how to answer that question. So much has happened in the last few hours, it’s unreal.

Long story. I chew on my bottom lip, unsure what else to type, then add,Can I call you later?

She replies soon after.Nah. I got a date! Can you believe it? Eddie asked me out.

Shut up! That’s amazing.I’m happy for her, I really am. But at the same time, I’m so jealous she’s living a regular life right now.
