Page 25 of My Hope Charm

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Chapter Eight


Thea and I have been sitting in the back yard for two hours talking and just having fun. It’s the weekend Sonny and the boys have the kids as we relax.

“So how does it feel being a mom?” Thea asks with a big smile.

“I love it. I always wanted to be a mom, I love Jordan like he was my own he’s a great kid who deserves to have a good mom that would do whatever it takes to protect him.”

“Damn straight he does and you my girl are the perfect person for the job. I’ve never seen them so happy like this especially Jasper he’s been through the ringer, but you showed him that he can trust you and that you love him and will stay loyal to him and this family. I had no doubt in my mind you were the right girl for him.”

“Thanks Thea that’s means a lot to me. I love this family. Each and everyone is loyal to each other and always protect each other, I wish I’d found it sooner.”

“Hey you did find us and that’s all that matters we love you and we are happy to have you as part of this family. Do you plan on having a little one of your own?” I smile.

“Yes we do. Jordan is the one that started up that conservation when he told Jasper he wants a baby sister. He loves Lily, but we wants one of his own.” Thea laughs.

“Yeah I get that Jordan is going to be a great big brother he’s great with Lily, but I’m going to feel bad for the girls they are going to have a protective older brother plus dad and five uncles.” I laugh.

“That’s true there dating live’s are fucked.” Thea and I laugh. I can’t wait to have a baby with Jasper maybe one day soon we will start working on that. Thea looks down at her phone then gets up.

“Spencer wants to talk to you.”

“What about?” I ask.

“I don’t know he just asked me to bring you to his office.” I got up and we both walk into Spencer’s office Jasper was standing next to Spencer and that’s no surprise at all.

“Hi Levy I have a question for you.”

“Okay shoot.”

“How much do you want to be a part of in the family business?” I was wondering if this question was going to pop up soon.

“I’m all in.”

“Are you sure about this things can get...”

“Deadly bloody.” I cut Spencer off and he nod his head.

“Yes exactly.”

“I’m sure Spencer.” He gives me a smile.

“Okay. We have a situation downstairs and I want you to come with me.”

“You are going to take her into the torture room you can’t be serious Spencer.” Thea says with worry.

“Levy says she’s all in this is part of the business Thea she needs to know what she’s getting into, you go in there all the time.” Spencer makes a point I do need to know what I’m getting myself into and how I can help the family.

“I’m different I was trained for this she wasn’t. Levy you don’t have to go you have nothing to prove.”

“It’s Okay Thea, I can handle it and your wrong I do have something to prove I don’t want to feel like an outsider in my own family. Plus I’ve seen lots of blood before I’ll be fine I promise.” Jasper looks at me with a questioning look and I don’t blame him there’s a part of my past that I don’t ever talk about, I know I can handle that room.

“Spencer what’s the situation?”

“You should know we smuggle in diamonds we always have that’s the illegal side of the business and on our way to pick up the diamonds they were gone so we have someone downstairs who knows what happened to the diamonds.”

“Is there anything else on the illegal side I should know about or is it just the diamonds?” I ask. I always did wonder what they do on the illegal side since the casino is legal.
