Page 40 of Crave

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At least, I thought I did.

I thought I knew a lot of things about me.

As much as I expect the door to Andres’s office to fly open and to quickly find myself on the receiving end of a pink slip, it doesn’t happen. The doors don’t open. At all. The volume of their voices tapers off, but they stay locked in his office.

At noon, when I leave my desk to take my lunch, I still haven’t heard or seen either of them.

Shit. This is bad.

Maybe you’re just working yourself up, and it’s nothing.

So nauseous from nerves, I have no desire to eat lunch. To keep myself occupied, I walk several laps around the block until my lunch break is nearly over. I am about to walk through the front of the building when my phone buzzes in my hand.

I should probably change his name…


Are you at lunch?

Just walking back into the building.

We need to address something when you get up here.

Am I getting fired?

Fuck no! Why would you be getting fired?


My stomach is in knots the elevator up to my floor. Heading straight to his office, I see Jamie from Human Resources approaching from the other direction. Glaring at me when she sees me approaching, I watch as she walks into Andres’s office. A few steps later, I reach the door, and Andres scowls as he says, “Come in, Lex.”

Walking into the office, I stand a few feet from both Andres’s desk and the chair in which Jamie is seated. With a flat tone, Andres says, “Have a seat.”

I uncomfortably take a seat in the chair next to Jamie, leaving us both sitting across from Andres.

“Miss Noble,” Jamie’s voice oozes with disdain as she extends a folder to me. “Something has been brought to my attention, and I’m going to need you to review and sign the enclosed paperwork to acknowledge your agreement.

Opening the folder, I begin to read the paper enclosed in it:

I, Alexys Noble, employed by Marcano Enterprises, entered into a voluntary and consensual relationship with Andres Ramirez. The social relationship has not been, nor will be, made a condition or term of employment…

“We need a minute,” I close the folder aggressively and toss it onto Andres's desk.

“Miss Noble—” Jamie begins to reach for the folder.

“I said we need a fucking minute,” my voice is loud enough that it undoubtedly garnered the attention of everyone within earshot.

Andres makes a short nod of his head in Jamie’s direction, and she immediately stands to exit his office. As she reaches the door, he calls behind her, “Shut that on your way out.”

“What the fuck, Andres?” I shout well before the door has fully closed behind me.

“It’s just a formality,” he stands from behind his desk and begins to walk toward me.

Standing before he can reach me, I step backward to continue to maintain the distance between us. “What’s a formality?” My voice is still laced with anger, “Letting the whole fucking company know that I’m fucking the boss?”

He smirks while taking a few quick steps in my direction as his fingers toy with his belt buckle. “I amallfor you fucking the boss.”

“I’m fucking serious,” I shove him away as he tries to reach for me, “This is my fucking job, and I have to face these people every day.”
