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As I looked for spells that worked to improve mental fortitude, I noticed many blank pages in the grimoire. Some were scattered in between, while others were in the back. At first, I found this odd, but realized I couldn’t see where people had added pages over the decades despite all the different handwriting styles. The grimoire must have always been this size, so past owners left blank spots for future ones to make their own notes or record more spells.

If I manage to outline this death mark, at least I’ll have that to look forward to.

It felt like the hours had dragged into days, but Walter was due back soon with Abi, Cody, and hopefully, Liana. Fenris and I were standing outside his home, and I was doing everything in my power to not bounce up and down in excitement like a little kid. I knew Fenris was watching me, but he only gave a smile.

“The twins should be back today as well,” Fenris said idly, giving my hand a squeeze.

I glanced up at him, grateful for the momentary distraction. “They were successful, then?”

Fenris smiled grimly. “They would not be my associates if I couldn’t trust them to get the job done, and get it done quickly.”

I rolled my eyes. “You know, Piers and Gilbert do an awful lot for you. Would it really be so bad to call them your buddies instead of your ‘associates?’”

Fenris looked back at me. “If the Lunar Lord started referring to ‘buddies,’ he’d lose what legitimacy he has left,” he said dryly, despite the amusement dancing in his bright amber eyes.

Suddenly, he glanced up. Abi came trotting down the dock and toward the house. Cody trailed behind her, then next to him was Liana, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear as she tried to pay attention to what he was saying while looking around. A big grin split my face as I waved, and Liana’s face lit up as she waved back, at last able to tear away from the talkative wolf shifter to join Abi and I on the patio.

“I’m so happy to see you!” I gushed, sweeping her up in a big hug. “Was the trip okay?”

“Celeste!” she exclaimed, holding me back so she could look me up and down. “I was starting to get really worried about you two, you know, with everything that happened. The dress.” She paused, biting her lip, and I was glad she didn’t say anything else about the almost-wedding.

I reached over and squeezed her elbow. “I’m sorry we practically disappeared on you,” I said. I really did feel bad about that, even if most of it had been out of my control. “I’ll catch you up on everything. We havesomuch to talk about.”

Liana gave a nod. “I’m just happy you’re alright,” she said, pulling back from the hug. She’d just noticed Fenris and was barely able to keep from staring at him before looking away again. “Ah, hi. Nice to meet you,” she said to him quietly, giving an awkward little wave. “Thanks for having me here.”

“My pleasure,” he said coolly. His face was the picture of calm, but I could sense an undercurrent of aggravation underneath. It wasn’t directed at Liana as much as it was herfear, and by now I knew that was due to his wolf—she was clearlyfrightened of him, and at this point, he was ready to feed off that emotion. This, I recognized, was another reason he’d secluded himself for centuries.

“Walter,” he said as his assistant came up from the dock, “send the twins to my office once they arrive.”

“Of course,” Walter said, and Fenris turned to head back into his home.

Liana exhaled as the door closed behind him, her eyes wide as she glanced back at me and Abi. “That was him, right?” she whispered breathlessly. “Fenris? Abi said this was Fenris’s home.”

“Yes, that’s him,” I said, giving Abi a sideways look. I knew she’d have to have given Lianasomedetails, but I hoped she hadn’t shared too much before we knew if Liana wanted to be involved in our paranormal world.

“And he’s Celeste’s fated mate-lover-husband. And he’s a wolf god, too!” Abi gave me a playful nudge with her elbow.

I frowned. “You shouldn’t blurt everything out at once,” I said, aware of the sharp gasp Liana tried to cover with cough. Abi at least looked sheepish before grabbing Liana’s hand. “Come on, let’s go inside,” she said to Liana.

“This is amazing,” Liana whispered as we walked down the hallway, Abi pointing out each room like she was giving a tour back in the Challenger Learning Center. “It’s like…an entire private resort.”

“Oh, it’s private alright,” Abi said, snickering. “Security here is no joke, but it’s nottechnicallya resort, despite the stunning views. You’ll figure it out, don’t worry.”

Chapter 7


Fenris’s Private Villa

Isla Lobo, Panama

Time Until the Eclipse: 23 Days

Abi led us up to her guest room, where we pulled off our shoes and got comfortable on her bed.

“Am I going to stay with you?” Liana asked, pulling her knees up to her chest and tucking her chin over them. “Wow. This room ishuge.”

“Nah,” Abi said, shaking her head. “I’m sure Walter is setting up another room all for you. Right, Celeste?”
