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Chapter 20


Snowmass Pack Lands

Snowmass, Colorado

Time Until the Eclipse: 8 Days

The first hint of light was beginning to creep over the horizon when I woke, my arm still looped over Celeste’s middle. I froze at first, but after a few breaths, I decided she wouldn’t stir. I smiled softly, allowing myself the softest kiss to her shoulder before I extracted myself from the covers. She moved then, and I froze, but she simply rolled over into the warm spot I’d left behind, nuzzling herself into the pillow.

I lingered in the room just long enough to close the curtains, allowing her as much sleep as possible before letting myself out of the room and down the stairs. When I walked into the small living room, I realized that someone had left out a change of clothing for both of us. I felt a burst of gratitude as I grabbed the jeans and flannel shirt. This wasn’t my usual choice in clothing, but it was far better than the outfit I’d fallen asleep in, still smelling faintly of smoke and adrenaline.

Once I’d changed, I slipped out of the cabin and headed back to the camp. Keziah had shown me where the healers were working, and I was keen to see how Walter fared. As I pushed back the flap to his tent and stepped inside, I realized he was already awake and sitting up, chatting quietly to the healer at his bedside. Val was at his side as well.

As I approached, the young healer blushed and bowed her head deeply before quickly evacuating her seat, offering it to me without a word. “Thank you,” I said before she scurried away. I leaned toward Walter. “You look much better,” I said, relief coloring my tone.

Indeed, he did. Not only had they cleaned him up, but there were few indications at all that he’d been mauled by a panther shifter. Instead, Walter simply appeared like he’d had a poor night’s sleep.

I glanced at Val. “I would like to have a few minutes with him, if that’s alright.”

The witch, looking like she’d aged five years, studied me for a moment. “Of course,” she said quietly, reaching over to give Walter’s hand a squeeze. “I think I’ll go see Morgan.”

“Go get some rest,” Walter insisted quietly, placing his other hand over hers. “Morgan has her father, and Cody, and Haley. She’s been an attentive healer, and she needs the rest as much as you do.”

I could practically see the gears turning in Val’s head, but eventually, she nodded. “I suppose you’re right,” she said quietly, watching him for a moment longer before standing up. “You get some rest, too,” she said to him, then gave me a small nod and turned to leave the tent.

I watched Val leave before looking back at Walter. “How are you feeling?”

“Better,” he sighed. “I’ll have some scars, but nothing more permanent than that.”

“Good,” I said, nodding firmly.

Walter met my gaze. “I apologize for not reacting sooner, Fenris,” he said solemnly, his green eyes searching my face. “I should have gotten back up there quicker. As soon as I can return, I will restore your home on Isla Lobo to its former glory by any means necessary.”

I shook my head. “There’s no need for that, Walter.”

Walter blinked, clearly confused. “Ah. Are you just planning on selling the entire island as is, then?”

“After the eclipse has passed, you will be relieved of your assistant duties and given substantial severance pay. Hopefully enough to make up for all the headaches I’ve caused you over the years,” I said, my smile wry. I watched Walter’s blank face for a moment and forced myself to continue. “You have been more of a friend to me than anyone else over the years, and you deserve to have a real life, not one confined to Isla Lobo. You deserve to spend your days with Val, if you’d like, living peacefully wherever and however you want.”

Walter blinked, then a warm smile replaced the blank expression. “Youaremy friend, Fenris. My deadly, immortal friend, but my friend, nonetheless—and I appreciate you saying as much.” He paused for a moment. “Even if I’m no longer working as your assistant, I expect to hear from you from time to time. I know you’ll be busy as the Lunar Lord—and I have full faith in you to act as such—but I’d still like to know how you’re doing.”

Despite my best attempts not to be emotional, I was touched. “Of course,” I said, clearing my throat. “I am sure Celeste would be unhappy if I did anything otherwise.”

Walter laughed and shook his head. “She’s a good influence on you, Fenris.”

“Indeed she is,” I said.

The flap to the tent opened back up to reveal Val. She walked back over and took her seat. “I brought breakfast for us to share, Walter,” she said, returning my gaze. “I realized neither of us have eaten since yesterday.”

I got up to stand, deciding Val knew what Walter needed better than anyone else. “I’ll see you in a bit,” I told them, giving them some privacy.

As I stepped outside the tent, I pulled aside the healer who’d been checking on Lyka when I first arrived. “Haley, is it?” I asked.

“Yes, Lord,” she said, once again bowing her head.

I resisted the urge to growl. “Please do not call me that,” I said. “I wanted to ask after Morgan Fletcher. She arrived with us last night. How is she?”
