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I watched as two wolf shifters quickly scurried over to pick the body up and hoist it away. “I don’t know,” I said to Fenris. “Morgan had mentioned they were some of the witches stirring up drama in her camp, but when they saw me looking at them, they took off. Something just feltoff, so I followed them.”

I frowned.I swear I’ve met these two before.I hadn’t recognized either of their faces, but then a cold chill had run down my spine as I realized there’d been several Aurora witches who’d joined Sabine and Zyanya when they cursed me with the death mark. However, I couldn’t tell Fenris any of this.

“I knocked the other one out,” I said, pointing to the crumpled body a few feet away. “I want to ask her some questions.”

Fenris grunted and ground his teeth. “Of course,” he sneered, giving the fallen witch a dark look. He took a step back, trailing his hands up and down my sides before deciding I really was all right, and then he marched over to the unconscious witch. Scooping her up without ceremony, he said nothing elseas he turned, striding quickly toward Keziah’s home as the surrounding onlookers scattered like mice.

Before I chased after him, I turned to Abi. “I’m going to see what she knows. Can you see if you can find Cody?”

“Of course,” Abi said. “Good luck.”

“Thanks,” I said, nearly grimacing as I turned and jogged off in the direction Fenris had gone.

Keziah was standing on her porch when I reached her house, her arms folded over her broad chest. As I trotted up the few steps and went to open the door, she reached out a hand and stopped me. “You’re going to need to wait,” she said, her green eyes apologetic. “The Lunar Lord requested the first few minutes of the interrogation to himself.”

“What?” I asked, surprised.I hope he doesn’t kill her…

Keziah squeezed my shoulder but didn’t move away from her door. “He said he didn’t want anyone in there with him—especially his mate.” Her smile turned wry. “If the witch tried to attack you again, he said he didn’t trust himself not to dispatch her then and there.”

I sighed. “Can I at least go inside the house?”

The female alpha looked thoughtful. “Alright,” she said, and finally opened the door for me. After I stepped inside, she followed me in, and I sat awkwardly on her couch for about five minutes before Fenris came up the stairs from the basement, his expression still murderous. “You may go speak to her now,” he said.

I stood, starting to walk towards the basement door, but I paused. “What did you do?” I looked him up and down.

“I woke her up and fed off of her fear,” he said smoothly. “She will be more cooperative now. She even answered a few of myquestions.” He paused and looked a bit thoughtful. “She didn’t even burst into flames.”

“Well, that’s helpful,” I said, wondering if that meant this individual didn’t have a death mark, or if she was just smarter about suppling answers than the first warlock Fenris had questioned.

He shrugged, and I sighed before heading down the stairs. Fenris was close behind me, and I glanced over his shoulder as we reached the small containment room taking up half of Keziah’s basement. “Are you coming with me?”

“Yes,” Fenris said. “Given that she just tried to kill you, I’m not leaving you alone with her. However, you’re free to question her as you wish.”

“Alright,” I said, pressing my lips together. As I opened the door, the witch was still sitting at the table, looking haggard. If Fenris hadn’t just told me he’d allowed his wolf to feed on her fear, I’d have wondered how she’d aged so much in so little time.

I sat down across from her. Fenris closed the door behind us and remained there. The witch in front of me looked at her hands.

“What’s your name?” I asked, deciding to start with an easy question.

“Naomi,” she said, studying her nails.

“How old are you?”

“I’m thirty-seven.”

“Are you an Aurora witch?”

She gave me a look like I was dense. “You know that already.”

Fenris growled behind me. “Answer whatever she asks you,” he barked.

A tiny squeak escaped the woman. “Yes,” she said, her voice tiny. “I’m an Aurora witch.”

I took a deep breath as I reached up to undo the first two buttons on the red and white flannel Keziah had lent me. Iknew I had to be careful with what Isaid, but there had to be workarounds. I stood up, baring enough of my chest to show Naomi the first half of the angry brand. “Do you have a mark like this that’ll prevent you from answering my questions?”

She hesitated for a moment, her eyes briefly moving to where Fenris stood before she shook her head. “No. I don’t.”

“Good.” I sat back down. “How do I get rid of this mark?”
