Page 17 of Deadly Passion

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The door creaks as I push it open and step inside. I’m greeted by the smell of dampness and the sound of gentle sobbing that stops abruptly as soon as I click the door closed.

I grip the steel handrail and take the steep staircase down the shadowy steps, unsure what I’m going to find.



I’ve traded one prison for another. Now I’m at the Duke’s mercy, which apparently includes late-night visits from Callen, who can make my body crave everything it shouldn’t.

Tears of frustration fall down my cheeks.Stupid fucking Callen. I’m not crying because I’m upset. No, I’m crying because I’m furious that I can’t kick his arse! Being rescued by a gang who hates me was bad enough, but I’m nothispersonal cum rag, too.

I push aside how incredible my orgasm was and focus on how my spine and shoulders ache from being fucked against the concrete. Although I’m cleaner after the brutal hose down, my upper thighs are a sticky mess, and the temperature has plummeted.

How long will they leave me here? My ears prick up at a sound, and I freeze on the spot like I’m trying to win a game of musical statues. Footsteps grow louder, and my stomach churns. Has Torean returned to finish what he started before Callen interrupted? He seemed set on finding his girl, but maybe he’s changed his mind…

After what Spencer did, I vowed never to put myself in a vulnerable position again. Except look at me! I’m jumping at any sound and acting like a pathetic deer caught in the headlights.

Woman up, Ive.

I sniff, hurriedly wiping my eyes and drawing my knees up to my chest to try to keep what remains of my modesty. I won’t give whoever it is the satisfaction of seeing me like this. I’m a killer, and I need to remember that.

When I see Seb’s white-blonde hair, I breathe a silent sigh of relief. The usual cheeky sparkle in his eyes has been extinguished, and his shirt is still flecked with Bram’s dried blood. Another expression flits over his face as he looks down at me.

“Save your pity for someone who wants it,” I snap.

I’d rather deal with Callen’s taunts than have someone feel sorry for me.

He frowns. “Why are you all wet?”

If he still thought I was Rose, I’d have made a joke, but everything is different now.

I laugh bitterly. “Don’t pretend that you care.”

His fists clench as he studies me. Is he going to hurt me? Punish me for lying to him? I’m not sure what the men I’d started getting to know are capable of.

“What happened to your clothes?” he asks, noticing my tattered top. “Tell me, Ivy.”

Hearing my real name come out of his mouth is surreal. I’m unsure how they found out about my past, and I’m beyond caring now. I knew our bubble would burst eventually. No one can lie and pretend forever. Since I found out Seb was a Duke, we were doomed for failure, but I never imagined a future where he’d be alive and know the truth about me.

“Ask Callen,” I retort.

Seb’s nostrils flare like he wants to charge away and pin his friend against the wall, just like he did when he walked in on me and Callen fucking. Then indifference replaces his angry look, and a tightness grows in my chest. That’s even worse.

“You can’t play us off against each other anymore,” Seb says. “We know the truth. You’ve been lying to us all from the start.”

“If you think you know everything, why are you here?” I counter. “I assume that Freddie doesn’t want you to speak to me, otherwise you wouldn’t be sneaking around at night.”

He shifts his weight from one foot to another, avoiding answering my question. He doesn’t need to say anything when I can read his expression and know I’m right.

I stand up. My top falls open a little, and his gaze strays to the cut on my chest.

He tenses, then points at my tits. “Did Callen do that?”

I ignore him and ask again, “Why are you here?”

Usually, Seb is the guy who has his shit together. He’s the man every woman drools over, never seen without a hair out of place. But he looks exhausted now. His mum would have an aneurysm if she saw him like this.

He throws a bottle of water at me like I’m a dog. “I came to give you this.”
