Page 20 of Deadly Passion

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“Hey!” Callen notices me staring. “Eyes up top. I saved your life, but it doesn’t come with additional extras.”

My eyes narrow.You could have covered your junk, at least.

Callen busies himself, checking my drip and looking over my wound. It’s freshly dressed, so he must have come by earlier to change it.

“It’s good to have you back, Bram,” Freddie says.

“We’ve missed you,” Seb says.

The longer I was held hostage by the Killers Club, the more hope slipped away of ever seeing them again… until Ivy joined me.

Seb’s phone is still in my hand, and I hit the replay button to repeat my earlier question that was left unanswered. “Where is she?”

Freddie purses his lips, Seb fiddles with his collar nervously, and Callen hums, ‘She’ll Be Coming Round the Mountain’like the weirdo he is.

Frustration builds, and I continue typing.

“I want to see her.”

“That’s not possible,” Freddie says bluntly.

My eyes widen in horror. Seb reads my expression and quickly adds, “She’s not dead, but we’re holding her somewhere.”

The app speaks for me, “I need to see her.”

“She’s dangerous,” Freddie says. “We don’t know what she’s capable of or where her loyalty lies. As soon as we take off her cuffs, she could kill us all. We can get you help for Stockholm syndrome. I’ve found a specialist therapist that can—”

I use all my energy to shake my head. They don’t understand what me and Ivy went through together. Being confronted by death binds people, and our connection runs deep. I saved her life five years ago to give her a second chance, and I stepped in front of the bullet because I failed the first time and wanted to do it again. I won’t let that be in vain. History can’t repeat itself.

“She won’t hurt us,” I make the app say. “The Killers Club has renounced her. She’s not with them anymore.”

“How do we know it’s not all another act?” Callen asks. “It’s not the first time Little Miss Innocent lied to all of us, remember? We know who she really is now.”

Freddie’s cheeks flush in anger. He’ll have taken the news of Ivy’s betrayal the hardest.

“I need to see her,” I insist.

“No!” Freddie explodes. “No one is seeing her. We’re keeping her alive until we decide what to do with her.”

If I was stronger, I’d push back, yet a tiredness washes over me. How am I feeling so drowsy after just waking up? Callen smirks as he taps my drip bag cocktail. The fucker is knocking me out!

“You need to rest,” Callen says firmly, enjoying every second of this.

He’s the only person who could save my life and still make breaking his nose seem like the best idea I’ve ever had.

I look at Seb for help, but he avoids looking in my direction. He knows I can read him. I sense that he shares my pain, even though he’s trying to hide his feelings from me. He’s hurting. He cared about her, too.

I try typing one more message:

“We need to give her a…”

Then everything drifts further and further away…



“He’ll be out for another few hours,” Callen says.
