Page 25 of Deadly Passion

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He has some explaining to do.



Ihear Freddie before I see him. His yelling like a battle cry can’t be a sign of something good coming my way…

“Callen!” he bellows again.

His stomps approach Bram’s room, echoing through the corridor.

What did Ivy tell him?

He throws the door open so hard that it hits the wall. I jump from my seat, readying to defend myself, but he’s quicker. His dark features contort, showing he’s lost all logical reason. He grabs my robe and throws me backwards against the wall with Hulk-like strength.

“Easy on the spinach, Popeye,” I say. “Why don’t you let go so we can talk?”

“What happened?” Seb asks.

He doesn’t move from his chair beside Bram, who continues sleeping and staying oblivious to the chaos around him. Seb confronted me earlier about what happened last night between me and Ivy. I told him the truth—omitting the part about me fucking her, of course—and he seemed to believe me.

“Ivy,” Freddie spits. His hands close around my throat. “You let Torean hurt her!”

“If you’re going to come in with the accusations,” I wheeze, “you need to get your facts straight.”

Freddie’s nostrils flare, but he loosens his grip enough so my trachea doesn’t feel like it’s about to snap. “Explain yourself.”

“I stopped Torean from hurting her,” I say. “She was lucky I showed up.”

“I gave you strict orders to stay away from her!” Freddie rages. “You shouldn’t have been anywhere near the dungeon!”

“I know my brother,” I say. “I was watching him, and she’d be dead if I hadn’t stepped in. Would you rather we be burying her? I thought you weren’t supposed to care about what happened to her. She’s our prisoner, remember?”

Freddie lets go of me, and I massage my neck.

“Fuck!” Freddie swears.

Seb chews his lip, not sure of the right thing to say to calm our boss. He’s in a volatile and unpredictable mood. No one wants to stand in the path of a hurricane when it’s ready to tear through the castle.

“We need a plan,” Seb says. “We can’t keep going on like this.”

“You’re right,” Freddie sighs in exasperation, his waning anger making way for contemplation. “We need her to tell us everything. We need answers.”

“I can help,” I offer. “Interrogation is one of my specialties.” Freddie bares his teeth like a guard dog. “Okay, got it!” I raise my hands. “It looks like you’ve got this covered.”

“We should all be there to hear what she has to say,” Seb says.

“Fine,” Freddie says. “I’ll take her back downstairs, and we can start.”

“Take her back?” I question. “Where is she now?”

“I left her in the bathroom.”

I raise my eyebrows. “You left a Killers Club agent unattended?”

“She’s attached to the radiator,” he snaps, although his forehead wrinkles in concern. “She can’t go anywhere.”

“The pipes in this castle are flimsier than—”
