Page 45 of Deadly Passion

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It comes out in the voice of the Cookie Monster, and Callen pisses himself laughing. My eyebrows lower, and I glare at him while Seb tightens his grip on the wheel. I’m not answering any questions. I’m not a guy who’ll kiss and tell. Besides, during my recovery, I’ve not had the chance to speak to Ivy properly about what happened between us without the guys around.

What did our time together mean to her? Did she think we only fucked because we thought we were dying, or was it more than that? It meant more to me. Maybe not at the beginning, butI was able to open up to her, telling her about my past and my art.

“Stop bugging him, Cal,” Seb orders. “He’s healing, remember?”

“Fine!” Callen flaps his arms up in defeat. “But no one jumps in front of a bullet for a lass unless there is some seriously good pussy at stake, and we all know how irresistible Ivy is.”

I take a deep breath, trying to control myself, and get the app to say, “Go to hell.”

Somehow, a Sesame Street character doesn’t have the threatening tone I’m aiming for, and I throw the phone back at him in anger.

“I keep thinking about fucking her,” Callen brags. “You should have heard her whimpering all over my cock.”

Seb swerves the car dramatically into a layby, throwing us forward as he slams on the brake.

“Fuck me!” Callen lurches back in his seat. “Are you trying to kill us?”

Seb turns and smiles apologetically in my direction. “Sorry, Bram.” Then his expression turns murderous as he addresses Callen, “If you speak about Ivy like that one more time, you’ll be flying through the windshield, and I’ll use your balls as fuzzy dice.”

“Since when is talking about her a crime?” Callen huffs. “We’ve all fucked her. It’s the first time we’ve liked the same woman. Who knows? Sword crossing might be fun…” He wiggles his eyebrows at Seb. “Again.”

I look between the two of them, and my eyes almost pop out of their sockets.

They shared her?

I can understand Seb and Freddie making a pairing, but Seb and Callen? They can’t stand each other!

“It was a one-off,” Seb blasts. “And there was no dick touching!”

“Come on, maybe there was a little bit,” Callen taunts. “And she loved it. We gave her the ride of her life. Don’t tell me you don’t think about it.”

“Are you forgetting that she was plotting to kill us the whole time?” Seb says, putting an end to the conversation.

Despite his words and conviction, I see the hurt in his eyes. Until Ivy, he never cared about dating, preferring one-night casual flings. Finding out the woman you were falling for had planned to murder you is enough to make anyone question whether love exists.

My friend deserves to find love, and so does Ivy. It won’t be easy, but I think if he gave her another chance… there could be hope. I know the real Ivy Penrose is still in there somewhere because I’ve seen her.

“Are you going to keep driving or not?” Callen yawns. “I could hitchhike all the way back to London, but that would mean giving my brother a call to tell him we’ve stolen his cars.”

I knew he was lying when he said Torean gave us permission to use them. Fucker. Freddie will be furious when he finds out.

“I don’t want to hear another word about Ivy,” Seb says. “Deal?”

“Fine, no swapping notes to pass the time,” Callen agrees. “Got it.”

During my time in captivity, all I wanted was for the Dukes to be back together again, but it doesn’t feel the same anymore.

Ivy has divided us and, although the others don’t see it yet, she’s the only one who can fix us…



While Freddie drives, I change in the back of the car into an oversized t-shirt dress, pop on new sunglasses and tuck my hair into a cap. Disguising my identity from CCTV cameras is my top priority the closer we get to the capital.

The two of us are silent for the rest of the painstaking journey. Finally, Freddie comes to a stop close to a tube station on the outskirts of London. We ditch Torean’s car and hop straight inside a black cab laden with bags to take us the rest of the way.

“Where are we going?” I ask Freddie, being the first to break our no-talking rule. Someone had to.
