Page 53 of Deadly Passion

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A few minutes ago, it sounded like an army of flip-flop wearers were running over wet tiles above us. Bram better not expect sympathy or for me to fix any split stitches caused by fast pumping action.

“I didn’t hear anything,” Seb lies, returning to his cooking. He peers into a pan and uses a fork to stir the mixture, making a horrible scratching noise. “Is this done?” he asks, changing the subject. He spears a piece of pasta and holds it up for my inspection. The penne’s edges look like he’s held a lighter to it. He nibbles on the edge suspiciously. “It’s crunchy.”

“That’ll explain the burning smell,” I say, looking at the gloopy monstrosity he’s spent the last half an hour fawning over. The tomato sauce has burned to the bottom of the pan. While some of the pasta is brown, other pieces have turned mushy. How did he manage that? “I told you that you had to keep moving it around after adding the sauce to stop it from sticking.”

The high heat probably didn’t help either. You can tell he’s rarely had to cook for himself—a classic Montgomery.

“Fucking pasta!” Seb blasts.

He picks up the saucepan and throws the entire thing into the bin with a clang. I’m surprised he doesn’t throw it against the wall and give it a much-needed coat of paint. Although, I suspect his anger isn’t directed at the food but from what we heard happening above our heads.

At that moment, the backdoor opens. Freddie has returned from his mysterious outing. He sniffs the air and looks between the two of us in accusation.

“Has there been a fire?” he asks.

“I’m going to order Chinese,” Seb grumbles, stomping into the living room. Probably a good idea—even he can’t fuck up placing an order.

“Where are Ivy and Bram?” Freddie demands, looking around for them.

“They’ve just finished getting reacquainted,” I reply with a shrug. “No biggie.”

Freddie’s jaw locks, but he doesn’t respond. He claims he wants to use Ivy as leverage, but he and Seb still care about her. They’re just too stubborn to admit it to themselves. Ivy planned to kill us, but why don’t we let bygones be bygones? Or, at least, make the most of her being around before we hand her back to the Killers Club wrapped in a pretty bow.

“Where did you go?” I ask.

“I need to speak to you and Seb,” he whispers. “Outside.”

“Seb!” I call, knowing what to say to rile him. “Do you think your mum would appreciate a snap of my cock?”

Seb charges in within two seconds flat, wearing a murderous expression. He’s too easy to wind up.

Freddie nudges his head. “Outside. Now.”

I clap Seb on the shoulder. “Looks like your mum’s going to have to wait to meet a real Prince Albert.”

The three of us head out to huddle in the garden—well, it’s a patch of concrete, but for London it’s akin to having a smallpark. Freddie looks up to check no windows are open, but he needn’t worry. Wailing sirens and kids playing nearby will mask our conversation.

“What is it?” Seb asks, sensing something’s wrong.

Freddie goes on to tell us about his encounter with Stephanie at the Auditorium. Trading Ivy was a bust and, although that should be bad news, I notice Seb’s shoulders sag in relief. Like him, I can’t help feeling glad that she’ll be sticking around a little longer. It’s best she stays with us, at least until I get over my annoying issue of only being able to get hard for her.

“I met Stephanie, and she countered,” Freddie relays. “They want us to work for them as arms dealers. We have a week to think about it.”

Well, fuck… I didn’t see that one coming.

Silence falls over us as we take in the news.

“You shouldn’t have gone alone,” Seb says like the loyal puppy he is. “We’re supposed to be a team.”

“It was my decision,” Freddie rebuts. “I’m the boss.”

“So,boss…” I say, also sharing Seb’s annoyance that Freddie’s been keeping secrets. Although, after we broke his rules and snuck down to see Ivy in the castle, I’d say we’re square. “Are we going to work for the Killers Cunt Club, or not?”

“Never,” Freddie says venomously.

I raise an imaginary pint in solidarity. “Here, here!”

“But that leaves us with one option,” Freddie says. “We’ve got to take the Killers Club down. It’s the only way.”
