Page 64 of Deadly Passion

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Helping her with preparation feels like foreplay. Hurting people doesn’t get me off—I enjoy it, sure—but watching her kill people is a turn-on. Knowing she can handle herself and is prepared to take the lives of people who wronged her is sexy as fuck.

“We’re not playing twenty questions,” she snaps. “This is my kill, not yours. Remember?”

“You’re going to need our help to get him in and out of here,” I say. “All I’m doing is volunteering to help with anything else you need.”

“You can clean up the mess if you genuinely want to help.”

“I’m not the clean-up type,” I say. “I’d rather get down and dirty.”

Her eyes drop to the tent forming in my trousers, and my cock stirs under her gaze, enjoying her attention.

Her jaw tenses. “You’re unbelievable.”

“Come on, princess,” I say as she starts quickly packing everything away. “We have to pass the time somehow.”

“Well, you can have fun with your ghost pals and your hand,” she replies, standing and slinging the kill bag over her shoulder. “Leave me out of it.”

She turns to leave, and I grab her wrist to pull her back. “Do you really want to be left alone down here?”



Callen’s touch scorches my skin.

“If you knew what was good for you, you’d think twice about touching me,” I snarl.

“Why?” Instead of letting go, his grip tightens. “What are you going to do?”

His eyes glitter darkly at the prospect of a challenge.

I wrench my wrist from his grasp. “You’ll be the next altar sacrifice, if you’re not careful.”

Judging by the blood stains, it won’t be the first time a living creature died here. Nor will it be the last.

The overhead bulb flickers, and I sigh, recalling seeing a lighter in Torean’s bag.

“I’ll light some candles,” I say. “While you’re busy thinking with your dick, someone needs to think about what will happen if the power goes out.”

I hunt around in the bag for the lighter. Once retrieved, Callen follows me around like a shadow as I light the many stacked candles. Thick pillars are balanced in well-placed holes in the walls, along with others in mounted rusty sconces. After lighting the last candle in the corner, I turn and almost walk straight into Callen’s muscled chest.

“Move,” I command.

He stays where he is, putting his arms on the walls behind my head to close the gap between us. Being alone together feels dangerous. Anything could happen, and the building tension in the room makes the candles flicker.

Callen’s eyes trail down my body, devouring me with his gaze. My breathing quickens. The clammy bricks against my spine only amplify Callen’s radiating heat.

He speaks in a menacing rumble, “I’d like to see you on your knees bowed down at the altar before me.”

“You can’t blackmail me anymore,” I say. My words come out breathier than expected, and I clear my throat before continuing. “We’re not at the safe house anymore, and I’m not chained up. Do you really think I’d fuck you again?”

His blue eyes darken to a stormy grey, and I shiver at his chilling laugh.

“I know you will,” he says smugly, without missing a beat. He bends to whisper in my ear, his breath tickling my skin. “Don’t you remember how good it feels?”

Not as good as destroying one of his prized possessions will feel. I flick the lighter on and hold it against the edge of his leather jacket.

“What the…” He sniffs and jumps back. His mouth falls open in shock as he pats himself down, and I bite my lip to stop myself from laughing. If only I had a camera. “Were you trying to set me on fire?”
