Page 5 of Tackle Me

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“Where the hell did he go?” I mutter more to myself, hugging myself at the thought of him grabbing my arm. What would the stranger have done if I didn’t get away? I shudder.

“Whoever it was, he’s gone.” Jake turns to face me, his expression pinched, as if he’s truly concerned. “Why are you out here alone, anyway?”

I shrug, trying to calm my thumping heart and pull myself together while catching my breath.

“Look, I don’t need you grilling me. I have Dad for that.” My response comes out sharper than I intended, but I’m still freaking out about being chased.

His gaze narrows in on me, and I meet those deep blue eyes that make me want to drown in them.

“What areyoudoing onmycampus?” I ask, convinced I’d never see him again after that party, knowing he didn’t attend here.

“College, like you. I just transferred this semester. Still getting used to the place,” he explains, glancing around at our surroundings. Then his gaze is on me again, traveling up and down my body. “But more importantly, are you okay? Did someone hurt you?”

I shake my head, then nod.

“Just spooked. Some asshole came after me, saying shit that scared me.”

He studies me for a long pause, and with his tight lips, I can’t make out his expression.

“You’re the coach’s daughter, right? I remember seeing you the other day before we did our lineup, talking to him,” he continues. “Spotted you in the distance and I’ve been meaning to come talk to you.”

Talk about what? The party where he was every bit the quarterback jerk I should have expected from a jock? Why did I kiss him, anyway?

“Yeah, that’s me,” I say.

“Come, let me walk you to the campus police station,” he suggests.

My shoulders shoot back, dread rippling through me at how quickly my report will get back to my father.

“No,” I answer firmly. “You think I want my dad to hear about this and lose his shit after he told me not to be out here alone? Nope. Not happening.”

He stares at me incredulously.

“Okay, fine. Let’s get you home then,” he says, staring at me like he’s dying to argue but thinks better of it. “You’ll have to show me the way. I’m still getting my bearings around here.”

I stare at him, the desire to decline his help wrestling with the cold, hard logic that insists it’s not safe to be alone right now.

“So, you often stroll late at night?”

He shrugs, his gaze drifting away to the starry sky. “Got a lot on my mind and couldn’t sleep. Thought some fresh air might help.”

“Sounds serious,” I tease lightly, but he doesn’t respond with a comeback, not even a smirk. Okay, it’s something bad. Curiosity flickers inside me, but I quickly squash it. I don’t want to know his troubles because there’s nothing between us. I convince myself that his helping me is merely payback for that kiss at the party—a kiss he probably doesn’t even remember.

As we stroll across campus toward my home, I find myself compulsively checking over my shoulder, scanning the shadows. Every rustle of leaves, every whisper of the wind, sets my nerves on edge.

Is it paranoia, or is that asshole watching us?

I catch Jake stealing glances at me, his gaze lingering just a moment too long before he looks away. Does he finally recognize me?

The college party from a few months ago remains imprinted on my mind and how taken I was by Jake. I’d had a couple of cocktails, so my judgment had been clearly impaired to think he’d be anything but a jerk. Yet here I am, staring at him just the same, remembering how small I feel next to him, how easily I got lost in his arms at the party.

The guy is hot!

It’s as if I’m staring at a god, and I’m torn at seeing him again. His presence has some kind of power over me, the same kind I felt back at the party that made me putty in his hands. When he winked at me, calling me over, I lost all will to think straight. Of course, I regret it now, especially walking at his side while he seems to have forgotten our time together.

I sigh quietly. I keep staring at his tight shirt that accents every muscle he has. Him being this close to me is playing havoc with my thoughts, with my insides.

Yet the reminder of him ditching me is like a bucket of icy water thrown over me.
