Page 1 of Hitting the Boss

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Chapter 1



My world spun around me as the music blared in my ears. The weight of this poi set was much more familiar than my last set. The movements smooth as I ducked, spun and wove in a trance-like dance. The heavy spheres on the ends of each handheld rope followed my movements like a shadow. A smile stretched across my face as I found my new happy spot in the world. No stupid bosses. Nobody worried about a playboy son taking over the company and ruining it. Change wasn’t always good. New blood tends to make awful choices for the office. Everyone was worried at work.

This was home while I spun in my own little world. In reality, I was at the park. But lately, this was my home away from home since I decided to learn poi dancing. My apartment’s ceilings were too low to practice most moves inside. I replayed the directions to myself from the video I watched at lunch on the trick I wanted to do. I started to twist and turn my body to allow me to do the move. I placed my foot too far and I felt myself falling backward. I dropped the poi handles in my hand, but thepoi that was on the upswing flew through the air. As I landed on the ground, pain ripped through my back. I heard a shout a few feet behind me. I flipped over and stood up. A man wearing a hoodie was clutching his stomach as he dropped to his knees.

Shit, shit, shit.I picked up the other poi, ripped my earbuds out of my ear, and ran over to help. “Oh my God, I am so sorry. Are you going to be okay? Do you need to go to urgent care?” I asked as I grabbed the poi from the ground. I lowered myself to my knees.

He looked up. I sucked in a breath as I looked into his ice-blue eyes. Long dark blond hair cascaded out of his hoodie. He pushed some of it away from his face and pointed to the poi in my hands. “What is this?”

“Poi. I am learning. I tripped. I'm sorry,” I said. I bit my bottom lip. His eyes darted toward my lips. I felt my cheeks flush even more. This wasn’t just from the exertion of practicing. I shook my head gently. This guy would not be interested in me.

Anxiety pulsed through me. Would he sue me? What if I hurt him? He was holding his torso. Could there be internal bleeding? I was panicking which meant I started to ramble and blurt things out.

“Um, are you okay? Like I can't help pay for an ER bill. Or an ambulance ride. Okay. The most I can do is . . . not much. I guess we could work things out if we have to but . . .”

He chuckled and a small smirk formed on his face. “Internal bleeding where?”

I reached out and touched his stomach. I could feel the rock-hard abs underneath the hoodie. “Shit. I shouldn't have touched you. Sorry. Uh, there. Obviously.” Why did I do that? Why did I touch him?

He chuckled. “I’m fine.”

Pulling my hand away, I looked up into his face. “There is a really good coffee shop near here. It's by my apartment. Could I pay for a coffee for you as an apology?”

A smile widened on his perfectly sculpted face. “I can handle that. And I am fine. I didn’t expect to be pummeled with a ball today. I just moved to town a week ago. I would love to see where the locals get their coffee.”

“Oh, new in town? Did you just stop here from a modeling gig?” I asked as I stood up. I cringed at the statement. Was this how I was going to flirt with him? He was hot enough to model.

He laughed as he stood up. “No. I’m here to take over my dad's business.” Sadness seemed to etch in his words.

I paused and looked at him. “But is it what you want?”

Shock flashed across his face. “I have been avoiding it for a few years.”

I shrugged. “I know we all have obligations but if your heart isn't in it, maybe you should tell your dad. Anyways, the coffee shop is this way, but my bag is by this tree. So, let's go.” I walked over to the tree where my backpack was sitting and shoved my earbuds inside. The man followed behind me with a smirk on his face.

“It's not that I don't want this. I guess I am afraid I will fail.”

As we came to a stop at the corner, I gave a careless shrug. I hit the pedestrian button. “I just hit you in the stomach with a hard-ass ball. Does that mean I am going to stop trying to learn? No. I am picking myself up, bribing you with a coffee, and gonna try again tomorrow,” I said.

He smiled as the light changed. I turned and started to walk across the street. “You're right.”

Once we crossed the street, we were standing in front of 4th Street Coffee. The signs were all colorful and hand-painted with murals on the outside walls. “This is it. My favorite coffee shop is near here. I have a list of favorites around the city. There is acute little shop in the front and coffee in the back. I think they get their beans from a local roastery, too,” I said. I was nervous and babbling.

He chuckled and looked at me as he grabbed the door open. “Ladies first,” he said. He gestured with his hand as he smiled at me.

I ducked my head down as I could feel my face growing warm. “Thanks,” I mumbled. I slid around mingling people and shelves till we were in the back of the shop in front of the register.

“Some of the names are funny. I like it here. The ambiance and stuff. I usually get an iced Chunky Monkey when I am feeling fancy with my calories and my cash. But there are a few other good choices,” I said as I turned toward him. I pointed to the sign.

His brow furrowed as he looked down at my body slowly. “Are you on a diet or something? I’m not saying you should be. You look delectable.”

My face warmed as I laughed nervously. I batted my hair away again—a nervous tick. “Not currently.”

He smiled as he stepped in front of me to order. His firm physique brushed against me, leaving a tingling sensation in its wake. I looked at the ground again as my stomach flipped. I wasn’t sure why this guy was even talking to me. I know I hit him, but this guy was way out of my league. He was way hotter than me. He should have just walked off, angry at me, but he was still talking to me.
