Page 22 of Hitting the Boss

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A dark figure breezed by us and paused in front of the copy room. My eyes started to focus on him. It was Cal. Or shouldI call him Caleb? I tucked my head down. “I think they slowed down. Maybe he was mad about something else.”

The steps came closer till I was looking at a pair of men’s shoes. I looked up. He was holding the post-it note. He looked at Alana. “Did you get my email?”

Alana started to nod her head. “Oh, yes, sir. Going to double-check everything and respond this morning,” she said cheerily.

“I eagerly await that email,” he said. His voice was gravely and deep. I sucked in a breath. Echoes of him saying I was a good girl was making my belly do flips. My face was already getting warm. My reaction to him wasn’t fair. Didn’t my pussy get the memo?

“Well, I will see you later. Nose to the grindstone and all,” Alana said as she tapped her nose. She turned on her heel and went down the hall. “See ya, Caleb!”

Cal was standing there. His mouth was in a smirk. “Come to my office,” he demanded.

I tugged down my shirt. “I don’t think that is the safest idea.”

“Office. Now,” he said. He walked to his office and I trailed behind him. When I stepped back into his office, I couldn’t help remembering being bent over his desk. I looked at my feet again as he shut the door behind me. I swallowed and tried to tamp down my arousal. Too late.

Cal stood in front of me. I felt the scraping of the post-it note on my cheek. I looked up. He smirked as he flipped the post-it note in between his fingers. I could see the lettersA S Sas he flipped it.

“I see you have been the one leaving me notes,” he said. “I was curious this entire time.”

I pursed my lips and jutted out my chin. “What’s your proof?”

“Don’t lie to me,” he whispered as he slid the post-it note under my chin. Chills raced down my spine as I looked into hiseyes. I felt myself getting wetter. “Have you been writing these notes?”

“Yeah,” I said. “I probably shouldn’t have left that one.”

Cal pulled his hand back and walked behind his desk. He opened the drawer and tossed it inside. “Probably. Honestly, I enjoyed the others. Not sure about today’s work of art.”

“Is that all you wanted to talk to me about? Are you going to report me to HR? Punish me?” I asked. Why did I say that? I hope he ignored that comment.

His head snapped up as he looked at me. His smile widened. “Punishment?”

My eyes widened and I stepped back. “That’s not what I meant; you know that.”

Cal winked and shrugged. “I hoped you had changed your mind. I guess you should go back to your work.” He waved a hand as I turned around. “I want you to get my lunch.”

I stopped. My hand was hovering over the doorknob and I turned. “What?”

“I told you the other day I forgot to eat. You said I needed my own coffee girl likeyou.I need you,” he said. “Come by later and I will tell you what to get.”

I stomped. “I’m not your assistant.”

“Come to my office at lunchtime.”

I groaned as I stormed out of his office. As I glared at my computer, the sound of the keyboard clacking filled the room. It was just the other day when I said that to him. When everything was easy. My heart sank as I realized I couldn't escape him, not even for a moment. He had other plans.

Chapter 12


Why was I here?

A while ago, Katesummonedme like the queen she thought she was. I had some papers to deliver to her anyway. Once I got to her office, Kate and Jessica were arguing. What they were arguing about, I have no clue. I didn’t want to listen to it. There were comments about Caleb, the company, and various things. I couldn’t follow. I quietly placed the papers on her desk and tried to back out of the room. Kate grabbed my arm and pushed me into the chair in the corner. Boo. I crossed my arms and sighed. My phone vibrated in my pocket. I slipped it out and unlocked it.


Come to my office now.

I glanced at the clock. Shit. It’s lunchtime.
