Page 55 of His Claim

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Creed smiled. “I’ll only need one minute.”

“Let’s go,” Leo grunted.

We loaded into the two vehicles and drove around to the motel parking lot.

Creed crept around to the back, and the rest of us waited.

“I bet he’s already got him,” I laughed. “You know Creed don’t mess around with shit like this.”

“Yeah, you’re more than right,” Apollo agreed.

A loud whistle sounded.

“How the hell is he so fast?” Princeton wondered. “That wasn’t even a minute.”

I didn’t care that Creed was quick; it just meant we could handle this quicker.

We watched the window of Brandt’s room, and like clockwork, the guy on the door got up and went to the bathroom.

“We’re gonna be home by dinner,” Apollo laughed.

We moved out of the SUV. Apollo and Princeton approached the door while Leo and I stayed by the SUV.

“You don’t need to do this, Murphy.”

I glared at Leo. “What the hell are you talking about?” I asked.

“You finally got what you wanted. Tatum is back in your life, and I don’t want Brandt to mess it up any more than he already has.”

I shook my head and held my gun at my side. “Brandt isn’t messing with my life anymore. He’s got about five minutes left of sucking air, and then he’s dead. I’m not missing it.”

Leo shook his head but didn’t argue.

“You’re family, Leo. All of you. I’m not going to turn my back on you because I have Tatum now. If anything, it makes me want to stand up more to the pieces of shit who think they can take knock us off.” I shook my head. “No one is going to take what we have. Brandt is going to be an example of what happens when you try to mess with the Banachis.”

“Fine,” Leo muttered.

Apollo and Princeton kicked in the door to the room, and shouts interrupted from the room.

“It’s showtime,” I smiled.

We quickly jogged to the room and met Creed on the way.

We shut the door behind us, and Creed closed the curtains.

“All good in back?” Leo asked.

Creed nodded. “Taken care of.”

Apollo walked out of the bathroom, wiping his hands on a towel, and tossed it in the sink. “Asshole shot himself before I could even lay a hand on him.”

“It’s always nice when the trash takes itself out,” I laughed.

Princeton had Brandt pinned to the floor with a knee in his back and a gun to his head.

“Fuck you!” he yelled. “Fuck you all!”

“Was he always this charming?” Apollo asked.
