Page 16 of Accidental Husband

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Somehow, with a supreme effort of will, I manage to stop myself. It was only a few minutes previously that I’d been remembering our time together, on the hood of my car out in the desert. My cock is threatening to get hard all over again now.

Keep it together, Luke. The last thing you need right now is a huge and obvious boner in the middle of this board meeting. Kind of hard to explain that one away.

Tess looks so wound up, so tense, that I just can’t resist teasing her a little bit. My line about “hands on” work at the new company brings a flush to her cheeks, her eyes darting to mine and then away in embarrassment.

Every little gesture of hers makes me want her even more. It’s like she has been designed to turn me on.

After the meeting, when everyone starts filing out, she tries to escape without talking to me—her own husband! No way is she going to get away with that. Nuh-uh.

I follow her out, admiring her beautiful ass as she hurries down the corridor towards the elevator. I’m struggling to keep up with her, thanks to the men in suits blocking my path and insisting on shaking my hand.

Then someone saves the day for me. An overweight older guy in spectacles stops Tessa and begins to talk to her. She glances back at me and resigns herself to her fate as I approach.

“Thanks for helping me out there, Miss Elliot,” the suit is saying, falling silent suddenly as I approach.

He knows who I am, of course. I nod at him, but that only seems to make him more nervous. He adjusts his glasses obsessively.

“Mr. Alder,” he stammers, “is there any way I can help you? The elevator is just over there. Would you like me to show you?” The poor guy is sweating now.

“No, that’s fine. I was just looking to have a word with your assistant here. I’d like to take her to lunch.” I pause and give Tess a meaningful look. “If that’s alright with her, of course.”

She shoots me a glare. “That sounds absolutely wonderful, Mr. Adler, but I’m afraid I’ll have to decline. I’ve got these notes to type up, and—”

Sweaty Suit looks absolutely horrified. He cuts her off. “No, no. That’s quite alright, Miss Elliot. Here, let me take those. In fact, you can take the rest of the day off.”

Her dark eyes flash. Her nostrils flare.

She’s cute when she’s angry too . . .

“Mr. Garamond, it’s my first day, and I’d really like to get to grips with my new role. I don’t think going out to lunch is going to help me with that.”

The guy looks like he’s about to pass out. He throws me a grimace that says, please don’t fire me for my insubordinate assistant.

“No, Miss Elliot, I really do insist. Mr. Alder is extremely important. His needs far outstrip anything else you could be doing.” He tucks the folder under his arm and waddles off, ending the conversation. I watch him go with some amusement.

“You damn near gave the poor guy a heart attack,” I say to Tessa casually. “He probably thinks he’s about to get fired.”

She folds her arms and turns to face me. I can’t help it; my eyes are drawn to the way this pushes her tits up and together.

“I don’t like playing games.” She fixes me with a frustrated look. “If you have something to say to me, can we just get it out of the way now? I don’t know what cruel twist of fate has brought us together again, but I thought I was pretty clear last time we spoke. I’ve already gotten the annulment process started, so there’s nothing you need to do on that front. So could we just keep things professional? Please?”

I shrug. “I am being completely professional. I asked to talk to you with professional things in mind, believe me. I’m a model of professionalism.”

She cocks an eyebrow. “You’ll have to forgive me if I’m not convinced.”

I laugh. “Well, okay, you got me. Maybe I had fifty percent professional things on my mind. The other fifty percent was thinking about that night out in the desert. You know, with the car and the cacti and everything?”

She coughs and looks uncomfortable, glancing around to make sure nobody can hear us.

“Don’t talk about that here!” she hisses, her voice low. “What if someone hears you? The last thing I need is to be the subject of office gossip. I only just started here today!”

“Eh, people are going to gossip no matter what. Don’t let it get to you.” A smile tugs the corners of my lips up. It’s probably not a good idea to tease her when she’s already this worked up, but I can’t help it. She just looks too damn cute when she’s angry. “Drop my name if you have to; they’ll lay off you. After all, not much point in being married to the big boss if you can’t use it as leverage, huh?”
