Page 37 of The Hero Next Door

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“I’ve been to a football game in Denver, but never hockey. This will be interesting.”

* * *

Two hours later,Brian decided he was in love.

The hockey game was riveting. The Blue Jackets were playing the Seattle Kraken and it was a close game. With every goal the Blue Jackets made, the crowd went wild, and the arena shook with excitement.

Fans pounded their feet and cheered, and he was amazed at how rabid some of them were.

Even more riveting than the game, though, was Sage. They’d shifted their stools around to sit side by side so they could watch the game better, but more often he found himself watching her. She threw herself into the excitement, cheering and clapping until her healing arm gave out. Even then she stomped her booted feet when the crowd cheered, just to show her support. Her beautiful eyes shone with excitement, and when she turned to look at him, smiling that perfect smile, Brian decided she was, hands down, the most beautiful woman in the arena.

They cheered until they were hoarse, snacking on popcorn and beer. Brian slipped out to the bathroom at one point and bought her a jersey, because he planned on bringing her here again. He bought Adam one, too, because he would be coming to the next game with them, he decided. He handed her the bag, and she peered in. When she looked up, her brilliant eyes swam in tears. Without a word, she reached up and kissed him, lingering this time as she cupped his face.

The screaming crowd around them faded away as he focused on her mouth, and the way her body leaned against his. Hot and sweet, she pressed against him, then pulled back. Then she kissed him again, harder, and angled her head for better contact. Brian cupped her head in his hands and sank into her. It had been a long time since he’d kissed anyone like this, but Sage was very different. His gut was clenched with nervous emotion, something he’d never felt with any other woman. Or if he had, he certainly didn’t remember it.

They explored each other for several long moments, until someone pounded him on the back, jostling him away from her. Laughter echoed around them, and Brian blinked, pulling back. Some guy he didn’t know was pointing up at the big center display hanging from the rafters of the arena. There, for all the world to see, were he and Sage, paused in the middle of their kiss.

“Oh, my god…” Sage moaned.

A bunch of people were looking at them, so Brian wrapped his arm around her shoulders and waved. Sage did too, but he could feel her embarrassment. “If this makes it to the department, I’ll never live it down.”

Brian laughed, pressing a kiss to her temple. “There are CPD cops everywhere. If any of them recognized you, you know it’ll make the rounds. That’s what cops do.”

They kept their hands to themselves for the most part, then, but it was hard. Brian reached out a couple of times just to brush her hair back from her face or touch her elbow when she shifted on the stool. And she did the same thing. When he first felt her hand on the back of his neck as they were watching the game, he kind of jerked in surprise.

“Oh, sorry,” Sage said, pulling her hand back.

Brian caught her, shaking his head. “No, I want you to touch me. It just surprised me. I love your fingers on my skin.”

So, that was how they stayed the rest of the game, more lost in little intimacies than what was going on on the ice below them. By the time they walked out of the arena and back to the car, Brian was humming with need. He seated her in the car and climbed in beside her.

As he shifted into reverse, she rested her hand on his. He looked at her, and she just smiled. As he pulled into traffic, her hand slipped to his right thigh, along the edge of his prosthetic. Her touch didn’t make his gut clench, though, like that of other women. Sage had already seen him without his prosthetics. Granted, it had been dim in the room, but she hadn’t freaked. He wasn’t worried about her seeing him that way, because he didn’t think it mattered to her.


Sage was buzzing. She’d never been one to imbibe in drugs in any form. Tonight, she’d had a few drinks over several hours, but the buzz from them had long ago faded away.

No, she was buzzing because of Brian’s touch. And his kiss, holy crap… She’d immediately gone wet and loose… in the middle of five million people watching her kiss him.

Whatever. It was worth it.

Brian drove like a determined man, but his right hand covered hers on his leg. Every once in a while, he would glance over, and they would grin at each other. It was like they were sharing a very private secret, and it was exhilarating. They both knew what was about to happen.

Brian parked in front of her building and circled the truck to get her out. She was too anxious, though, so she went ahead and let herself out. He held her hand as they walked up the walk and as she slipped the key into the deadbolt, he snugged in behind her and nibbled at her neck.

Sage’s fingers went nerveless, and she fumbled the key ring. “Stop it,” she gasped, but there was no force behind it. In fact, she kind of went still and tilted her head to let him explore. Oh, man, his lips were doing wild things to her body.

Shaking her head, she forced herself to concentrate on the key. She pushed the door open, tossed the keys onto the side table and punched the code in on the alarm panel. She had to do it twice because she fumbled the first time. Then she turned to him. He was already reaching for her, his strong hands gripping her hips to pull her tight as he kissed her. Then he started walking her backwards, toward the hall.

Sage pulled away and led him to her bedroom, kicking her boots off along the way. Brian closed the door behind them, glancing around, then reached for her. “I want to undress you,” he whispered. “Very slowly.”

Sage nodded and he bumped her back toward the bed. Somewhat inelegantly, she bounced backward, giggling. Then he was lying beside her, his big body blocking out the light from the bathroom as he propped up on his elbow. His right hand settled on her tummy, and he looked at her. “Are you sure about this Sage? I’m not in a rush. You’re worth waiting for.”

Her heart melted at his words, and she smiled at him. “I’ve been ready. And if this is too fast, I’m willing to wait for you, as well.”

A grin quirked his lips. “Oh, I’m ready. I’ll be honest, though. With my legs, I can’t really go up on my knees. I might have you ride me this first time.”

“Oh, damn,” she huffed, laughing as she rolled her eyes. “I think I can manage. Actually, that might be better for my arm anyway.”
