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Suddenly, there’s a hand clamped on my arm. Pete yanks me up to my feet, getting way too close.

“You think you can just run away from me like that?” he asks in a threatening tone. “I don’t think so, Nina. We’re not done until I say we’re done.”

My heart sinks. Just as I thought my day was getting better.

“Pete, seriously, get freaking lost. How did you even find me?” I put on my fiercest voice, glancing at the security guard standing by the revolving door—who, unfortunately, has his gaze riveted on a cute girl’s butt.

Pete sneers at me. “Guess I’m more resourceful than you give me credit for, huh? You can’t just go sneaking around behind my back. Who are you here to see?”

I try and wrench my arm free from his grasp, but he doesn’t budge.

“Get the hell off me,” I growl, even as I grimace in pain. “Or I’m going to make good on my promise from before.”

He doesn’t seem fazed. He’s got a wild, manic look in his eyes. Little, icy tendrils of fear run down my spine.

“I always knew you were a cheating whore,” he hisses, spittle flecking his lips. “Who are you here to see? Your new man?”

“I’m here for a job interview, you creep. Get off me and leave me alone.”

“A job interview? Who did you sleep with to get that?” He laughs in my face.

“I suggest you take your hands off of her. Now,” says a deep, commanding voice.

Oh, good. Guess that security guard wasn’t too wrapped up in checking out chicks in tight pencil skirts after all.

I whirl around, but it’s not the security guard I see.

A guy, tall and muscular, stands there with his arms crossed, fixing Pete with a stare that could melt a glacier.

As Pete lets go of my arm, I wince and clutch it.

That’s going to leave a bruise, asshole.

“And just who the hell might you be?” my ex spits, his face upturned to glare at the new guy, who stands a head taller than him.

My hot-as-sin savior walks over to stand next to me, and I almost jump out of my skin when he puts one of those bulging biceps protectively around my shoulders. Pete’s eyes almost pop out of his skull.

“She’s with me now,” says Mr. Tall and Handsome. “Right, Nina, sweetheart?”

I turn to look up at him. He smells good, and the proximity of his hard body is making me forget how to form words, but I try my best. “That’s, uh . . . that’s right.”

“So,” the guy says, his voice rumbling ominously, “I think you’d better leave.”

Pete looks apoplectic with rage. His face is turning a strange shade of purple and the veins of his neck are pulsing.

“Bullshit!” Pete practically shouts. “Do the two of you even know each other?”

Seeing as Pete has been tailing me for weeks, he’s probably seen me going everywhere on my own. I wrack my brain for something to say.

Luckily, Mr. Tall and Handsome saves me from having to lie.

“Of course we do. Nina was telling me this morning when we woke up—” he pauses to throw me the sexiest, panty-melting smile “—that the loser she used to date might come and try to screw up her interview, so I decided to come along with her just in case.” He gestures at the exit dismissively, then levels his sharp gaze at Pete. In a calm-but-deadly voice, he says, “So leave. Now.”

Pete takes a menacing step forwards, which is almost funny because he looks like a few matchsticks held together with PVA glue in comparison to the chiseled physique of my mystery protector.

As it happens, though, there’s no showdown because a couple of burly security guards—including the one I saw standing by the revolving door—show up out of nowhere and grab Pete under the shoulders.

“Get him out of here,” rumbles the voice to my side.

I watch, jaw hanging open, as Pete is dragged, kicking and screaming, out onto the street. He continues to cause a scene once outside, but the security guards stand impassively at the doors, arms crossed, until he eventually leaves, throwing out a few more curse words as he shuffles off impotently down the street.

“So . . . he seems like a nice guy,” says Mr. Tall and Handsome with a killer smile on his gorgeous face. “Anyway, now that that’s dealt with, shall we get on with your interview?”

I turn to face him, my jaw dropping open even wider. “B-Brock?”



“B-Brock?” Nina asks, my name sliding deliciously through her full lips in a way that makes me wonder what it’d feel like to kiss her.

“The very same.” I take a little bow and shoot Nina a grin.

She looks pale and a little panicked. Not surprising, considering the way that weirdo was grabbing her arm and getting right up in her face. I’ve seen enough creeps like that in my time to know that they don’t have any issue getting physical when it’s against someone who can’t fight back.
