Page 32 of Mr. Bentley

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I’ll leave the arrangements up to you since you probably know more about all the 15 restaurants at the resort than I do. Let me know what time and where x

I stare at thexwith too much vigor.Stupid old fool.

I will. Goodnight, Cinderella.

I’m a fucking prick, but I can’t help myself. This does kinda feel a little bit like a fairytale, one where I’m not Prince Charming; I’m more like the evil villain.

If Ariana knew what I was really like, she wouldn’t be having dinner with me. She’d run a mile. But since she’s never going to find out how singular my tastes are in the bedroom, I don’t have to worry.

I see the bubble go gray again, like she’s typing, then it goes blank.

I wonder what she was going to say…

My doorbell rings, and one of the resorts steward stands with my suit over one arm and a bag with my shoes in the other.

Ah, my Gucci has arrived.

“Mr. Bentley,” he says as I let him in. “Good evening.”

I glance at his name badge. “Good evening, Olly. If you can place that on the bed for me, please.”

He does as I ask, and I slide a tip into his hand on the way out.

I paid a fucking fortune for this suit and the black polished shoes, mainly because I didn’t bring any three-piece suits to wear, as I wasn’t planning on going out for dinner in a fancy restaurant. So much for laying low.

I know it’s hot as fuck in Mexico, but I’m not going to a Michelin star restaurant in shorts. Anyway, it’s air-conditioned.

I admit, I’ve taken a little bit of care in my appearance tonight, even trimming my beard and styling my hair. It’s slightly ruffled at the top in a messy,I just got fucked by my neighbor’s wifekinda way.

I drop my towel and unzip the bag.

The crisp white shirt is a soft linen, and the light gray pants and jacket are about as casual as a suit should go. It’s perfect.

I dress and affix my diamond cufflinks, omitting a tie, which I toss back on the bed and leave the nape of my shirt open.

I wonder why I give a shit that I don’t want the girls to think I’m trying too hard. I’m probably already cramping their style as it is, and they likely feel obliged to take me up on my dinner offer because of the room upgrade.

It could be worse.

I could be eating alone again, and that is by my own choice, but it’s nice to have the company of someone I actually don’t mind talking to. That someone being Ariana, obviously. Her friends are just an added tag along, but I really don’t mind.

I step back and assess my appearance.

I look good.

I know that it sounds conceited, but I didn’t get anywhere in my life by lying to myself.

I know my limitations, and I have many, but I learned a long time ago that it’s all right to be honest with yourself without fear of sounding stuck up. And anyway, it’s not a crime to say I like the way I look.

I’ve worked hard to stay in shape, and I like women looking. Sue me.

I spray on a little cologne, not too much, and then I head out.

I told Ariana earlier that I’d meet them at eight at the Round Tree. The resort’s finest restaurant.

I went down myself to choose a table because I’m a CEO in all that I do, even at resorts I don’t own. I like to take full control, and I want Ariana to have a nice time since I have the honor of dining with her.

God, I remember being that young. James was seven, and my whole entire world had taken a massive turn when I’d taken over my father’s failing business. I was a newly found, reluctant CEO, and I had to work hard to not sink the little money we had into a drowning ship. I managed to turn it around, make some life-altering business decisions, and a hell of a lot of risks, and it’s now a multi-million-dollar company.
