Page 8 of Mr. Bentley

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“I can see why. I’d do him.” Charlize snorts.

I roll my eyes. “Nobody is doing anyone, especially not James’ dad. And, like, eww.”

“You’re no fun,” Charlize replies. “I’ll have you know older guys can be very good in the sack. I once dated this guy who was older than me, and it was the best sex I’ve ever had. Likethe best.They get right down to it without missing the mark, if you get my drift.”

“Don’t remind us.” Imogen side-eyes me. “It’s all we heard about for weeks on end.”

“I’m just saying, older guys know how to please you better, so sue me.”

“Can we please stop talking about this?” I begin to push the cart toward the exit. “We’ve got tequila to drink and a pool toswim in, and I don’t want to hear any more about older men. Let’s go.”

Chapter Three


The room is amazing, with a view over the ocean and the huge swimming pool below. Palm trees are literally everywhere, and with the lush greenery and neatly manicured lawns, it’s spectacular. We organize a roll out bed, so some lucky person gets to share the main bed with me.

Just having my two besties here makes all the difference. While I was all psyched to spend ten days alone, I’d much rather be having a blast with them and not feeling sorry for myself.

We’re not even in the resort for an hour before we head down to the pool for a swim and some much-needed cocktails.

The whole resort is like something out of a magazine and worth every penny. Too bad James never got to see it.

“I don’t know about you, but I’m never leaving.” Charlize sighs, her eyes closed as we all lie on the deck chairs around the pool. It’s so nice to feel the sun, especially after such a long winter. “You can’t make me.”

“Tell me about it,” I agree. “You don’t get sun like this in Seattle. Or margaritas.”

“Speaking of which,” Imogen pipes up. “Where is that waiter?”

I laugh. “You just have to turn the flag thing up. They’ll come to the table.”

She does just that on the little table next to us, and sure enough, a few moments later, he appears with a pad and pen.

We order three more cocktails, and two bowls of fries to munch on, because, well, we should really eat something before we get totally shitfaced.

The pool is crowded, even though this is the adult pool. There are no kids running and jumping and squealing their heads off. I don’t hate kids, but I don’t want to hear them or get jumped on and splashed to death.

Charlize passes around the sunscreen. She has dark, olive skin, and being from Australia, she’s used to the sun and never gets torched. Me, not so much. I’m pale with blonde highlights. Imogen is the polar opposite to both of us, with olive skin, black hair, and striking blue eyes.

I make sure the umbrella overhead is completely covering me. I once got badly sunburnt in Florida, and I’ve vowed to never do that again. There’s nothing worse than spending two days of your vacation in the emergency room because you resemble a lobster and can’t sit down. I definitely don’t want a repeat.

“How’s your new job going?” I ask Imogen. “And when do we get that discount?”

Imogen just got a job with Cartier. She was the top sales executive for Louis Vuitton for two years. Imogen is also training to be a buyer, something she’s so excited about. She takes elegance to a whole new level and is the only one out of the three of us in a successful relationship with a man who isn’t threatened by her success.

“I knew you just loved me for my discount,” she muses. “And it’s going great; I’m loving it. Best place to find yourself a rich man with good taste ladies.”

“I love diamonds,” Charlize agrees. “About as much as I love dildos, which is a lot.”

I splutter my margarita, and she reaches over to pat me on the back.

“Jesus, Charlz.”

“Oh, what? You love it.”

“Please do not tell me you brought that thing with you.”I laugh.

“Don’t be crazy… it’s disguised as a lipstick.”
