Page 91 of Mr. Bentley

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“James, despite what you think, you’re my son and I love you,” I say as his eyes narrow. “One day, I hope we can have a relationship. I see so much of me in you when I was your age, but the one thing I never did was cheat on a good woman; lie to them and treat them like shit. It only reflects back on yourself and how unhappy you are in your own skin. I want to help you, and when you decide to have an adult conversation with me, I’ll be here, until then…”

“I want my inheritance,” he demands. Gee, didn’t see that one coming.

“And you’ll get it.”

“Good. When?”

I turn to my desk. I wished I didn’t have to do this, but unfortunately, a form of blackmail is the only way he won’t run to the papers and shoot his mouth off. He’s already been harassing Ariana online and mentioning her in comments and making her upset.

He needs to grow the fuck up.

“You’ll need to sign this, and I’ll give you half now. The rest of the money will sit in a trust until I see fit that you’re not going to blow it all in Vegas and pay for hookers.”

He shakes his head. “What is that?”

“An NDA.”

“What? Why do you want me to sign that?”

I click the end of the pen and hand it to him. “It’s not for me, it’s for Ariana’s sake. When you run out of money, I don’t want you selling out to one of those gossip magazines and flaunting your disgruntlement at our relationship with a tell-all book. Fuck knows, I have enough drama in my life without you adding to it.”

“You really are fucking full of yourself, aren’t you?”

I shrug. “It doesn’t matter either way. I want to protect her, so sign it and I’ll release the trust.”

“Bribery, dad? I mean, really?” His tone is full of scorn.

I know that’s what it seems like, but it’s the only way. He’s already been on social media, being an absolute dick and also tried to sabotage Ariana’s business.

“That means no posts on social media about her or me, and that all this shit has to stop. You’re a grown adult, so it’s time to start acting like one. If you renege, I’ll not only cut you off for the rest of your life, but I’ll make damn sure that when it’s time to return, you won’t be working in this town ever again.”

He shakes his head. “Thanks, dad, that’s real sweet of you.”

I wish it could be different. I really do. I know I’m part to blame, but it is what it is. I can’t change how I feel. I didn’t do this on purpose.

“The offer is still there, and my door will always be open, but only when you decide to start acting like an adult.”

“That’s big of you.”

He scans the contract, and I doubt he even reads a word. A few moments later, he scrawls his signature across the bottom, above where his name is printed.

I don’t know why I expected this to ever go the way I planned, because with him, nothing ever does.

“The money will be wired into your bank account tomorrow.”

He drops the pen and looks up at me, then something flashes in his eyes, regret maybe. Or perhaps it’s just the fact I didn’t give him all the cash.

He nods once, looking down at his shoes. “Bye, dad. Don’t forget to write.”

He turns and heads out the door. A few moments later, I hear the elevator doors ping open and he’s gone.

I rub a hand over my face.

It could have been worse. At least no punches were thrown, though, fuck knows I felt like it.

The law suit was dropped. It was deemed self defense, and under the circumstances was put down to stress. That was the least of my problems, but now I look back, it was a turning point. If not for that, I would never have gone to Mexico.

I saunter and go in search of Ariana. I find her in our bedroom. Yes, she moved in six months ago. I bought this place at the top of a new high rise in downtown Seattle. I still keep a place out in the country so we can disappear when the city becomes too much. Sometimes I need peace and quiet.
