Page 149 of Hurt in Her Eyes

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“Don’t have the energy to be bad, Foster.” There was that snotty little look he loved. Right there.

“No. I’m sure you don’t. That’s why I’m going to take care of you,” he whispered, as he straightened the blanket around her and pulled the braid free from the blanket. Hope’s mother had braided Haldyn’s hair for her that morning before Haldyn had been released. Hope’s family was taking turns sitting with Hope until her release. Bonnie was the kind of woman who fussed, Jarrod had learned. She’d fussed over Haldyn when needed, too.

Jarrod a little, too. No wonder Miguel seemed to be enamored of the entire Coleson coven.

Someone pulled on his pant leg. Jarrod looked down. Beck was there. “My Hal okay? She was at hossibul again.”

“Yes. She was.”

“Those damn bad guys again?”

“Yes. But we caught them. She is safe forever now.” Jarrod was going to make sure of it.

“Did my old daddy getted them and make them in trouble?”

“He helped.” Jarrod leaned forward. Pressed his lips to his queen’s forehead.

Beck yanked on his pantleg again. “Hey! No kisses my Hal! Bad boy! No kisses my Hal. You being bad boy.”

Jarrod stood and picked up the kid and swung him around like Beck liked. “But, Beck, my man, Haldyn is going to be my Hal now, too. I’ll take care of her forever.”



There are more Finley Creek: Enemies Within titles on the way! Watch for Powell and Gunnar’s book coming soon! (Title still TBD!) And keep reading for a bonus epilogue for “Hurt in Her Eyes”.

**Side Note**

Heather went through a lot in this book, and in Zoey’s book Hearing her Cries. I knew she had secrets, but I didn’t know the scope of them until writing Haldyn’s book. Heather will get her own book in the Finley Creek series eventually (and no, she doesn’t get with Daniel!). Stay tuned to for more details.


Hope was going to be okay. Heather hadn’t breathed well for the last week. But her sister was getting out—today.

There were going to be questions at the TSP, still. For both of them. Wichita Falls had sent their own goon squad. No surprise.

They were the very same assholes Heather had worked with before. But now when they pressed her too closely, Daniel McKellen was there. Blocking what he could.

She had no illusions—the only thing driving that man was the case.

No one epitomized Mr. TSP more than Daniel McKellen the Second.

That had been clear that morning after. It had degenerated into a shouting match. Heather wasn’t exactly proud of some of the things she had said—but she still meant them.

They were things the great Daniel McKellen had needed to hear.

They were circling each other now, with wary respect. She would return to Major Crimes: Cold Case in eight days.

Her position with Major Crimes would never be the same. She doubted it was in jeopardy or anything, but she wasn’t stupid. She screwed up on McKellen’s watch now and he’d use any excuse to hide her in the dark recesses of nothingness. It definitely wouldn’t be in Major Crimes.

They were still putting everything together. Digging.

Things had been found at Detective Kimball’s house.

Copies of her reports from before. With original signatures from the responding officers. From her superiors who had threatened her. Everything. Those assholes hadn’t come toppling down yet, and she doubted they ever would, but those reports were ammunition. For Major Crimes to use later.

She had no illusions. McKellen and Marshall were going to use what those bastards had done to her as leverage. That was all she was—leverage. A tool. For their own purposes. She didn’t truly matter to the TSP. She was just another Lego block in their box to do what they wanted with.
