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Feeling giddy yet confused, Sofie slowly sat, facing the CEO. “Um, a better look at what?” She giggled nervously as Gabriella studied Sofie’s face, her eyes orbiting around her hairline. Gabriella’s eyes did not meet hers; it was as if Gabriella was examining her hair. “May I touch your hair for a sec?”

Sofie nodded, enthralled to receive more attention. She sat patiently as Gabriella fingered the sides of Sofie’s hair, her hands softly brushing against her cheeks. Sofie licked her lips and tried to remain nonchalant, but the touch of her fingers gave herdelicious goosebumps. Sofie couldn’t help remembering where those fingers had been last night.

Gabriella held Sofie’s chin with one hand while delicately pulling out a few side strands of hair from her bun. Her gaze lingered on Sofie’s face for a few tense seconds before she commented, “Ah, much better. The bun was perfect, but I always love when a few strands frame the face.”

She then looked Sofie dead in the eye, hypnotizing her with authoritative energy. “So beautiful. Go, look and see for yourself.”

Uncertain, Sofie stood up and made her way towards the reflection, the same mirror where she witnessed herself orgasm hard from Gabriella’s hands. Sofie couldn’t speak but she nodded.

It turns me on so much when she likes how I look.

Gabriella remained in her chair, wearing an amused grin. “Hmmm, mmm. I know. Did you talk to Samson from Art?”

Sofie reeled around to face her boss; she wasn’t sure what to say based on the gossip from earlier. “I tried, but he wasn’t in when I stopped by. I’ll try again right now.”

Gabriella bobbed her head, circling her chair towards her laptop, her face away from Sofie. Sofie went to leave the office once more before she heard Gabriella call out.

“Oh, and Sofie, if you are going to wear a dress like that, it’s best not to wear underwear. I can see your panty lines; it’s unbecoming.”


“Yes, I received the new logo the other day,” Gabriella replied to Tempest Rutherford, the chairperson of the Board for Deluxe Redux Magazine. “Of course, yes, you will receive it in time for review before the next issue goes out.”

Impatiently, she rolled her eyes as Tempest proceeded to outline the magazine’s new guidelines. Gabriella Galena was not one to take orders, but when it came to her position, unfortunately, Tempest Rutherford was the ultimate authority.Oh god, she sounds like a broken record. And what’s wrong with the design as it is?

Being the consummate professional, Gabriella politely thanked Tempest for her call, and continued her workday. But the conversation troubled Gabriella. Ever since she returned to the magazine after her leave of absence, she disagreed with specific changes to the publication. These new modifications left Gabriella wondering what it would be like to start her own magazine without the Board.Hmmm, I wonder if I could do it. Sure, it would be nice to retire in a few years, but I also lovemy work. I should think about it because I don’t like this new, conservative direction.

She was also concerned that the authority of Tempest was slowly dimming her leadership and influence. Gabriella thrived on control and power—particularly after her divorce. This was one of the reason she found herself enjoying Sofie so much.

Sofie Rosswell was a conduit for Gabriella’s expression of dominance, and their opposing energies complemented each other. And with Sofie being of great service to her, Gabriella felt an equilibrium between her position at the magazine and needing to answer to the Board.

As Gabriella waited for Sofie to return to the Marketing and Sales Department, her thoughts revisited the amazing sex they had a few days ago. As she recalled visions of Sofie nude and crawling towards her on all fours, Gabriella became instantly aroused.Mmmm, my hot little submissive. She is so beautiful and eager to please! I need to have her again if she is willing.

Gabriella wasn’t in the habit of sleeping with her staff; Sofie had been the first. And after their first encounter, Gabriella was concerned that it may cause a rift; it was imperative that she and her assistant maintain a professional, working relationship. But Sofie handled herself well, even with the increasing sexual tension. Even Gabriella found it hard to control her desire; she would admire her beautiful assistant dressed in sophisticated outfits every day. As she thought about fucking Sofie again, Gabriella’s mouth began to salivate as devious fantasies formed in her imagination.

“Hi, I’m back.” Sofie breezed in, catching her off-guard. Gabriella had been lost in thought, pondering the ways in which she could enjoy Sofie’s body. “I submitted the forms for new sponsors.” Gabriella had assigned Sofie to procure new advertisers to help increase sales in response to the report sent by Ms. Rutherford.

“Good. And do you feel ready to supervise the upcoming photo shoot on Friday? That’s a big responsibility, so I am counting on you.” As Gabriella emphasized the gig’s importance, she thought,Hmmm, maybe I should give Sofie a few pro tips on how to angle her body. She would make the perfect muse!

Sofie moved towards her desk, settling into her chair. “I think so. I’ve participated in photo shoots before, mostly with school projects.” To Gabriella, Sofie seemed confident, but she wanted to ensure that Sofie knew what to look for with the models. As if reading Gabriella’s mind, she asked, “Is there anything in particular that I should be aware of? Do you have any advice to share?”

Gabriella’s thoughts raced as her imagination grew deviant. She was eager to show Sofie many things, although not all were work-related. And judging by Sofie’s keen expression, Gabriella could sense that she was more than willing. Swiveling in her chair, Gabriella powered off her computer before turning to Sofie.

“Sure, but I think my advice would be best illustrated through role-play.” Suggestively, Gabriella licked her lips as she focused her attention on Sofie.She looks so professional and polished in that short Valentino skirt and silky blouse. I can’t stop looking at the lines of her hips and the way the outline of her small breasts and little nipples can be seen through her blouse. I’ll bet she would look so hot for me, posing in various positions.“Is that something that you want to try with me?”

As Gabriella looked intensely at Sofie, she noticed her assistant blush, biting her lip coyly. In her experience, that was usually a sign of arousal from a woman who was too shy to express herself fully. But Gabriella required explicit consent before she would make a move. “Don’t worry; if you don’t, that’s okay. We can continue our day as usual.”

Sofie giggled, averting her gaze. “Yes, please. No, I mean, Ido. I-Iwantto try different things like this.” Sofie’s face went beet red. “I’m just so inexperienced; I’ve never role-played in my life. But I want—I want to, you know, do itproperly.”

“Ah, I see; you’re a bit of a perfectionist. Somehow I already knew that about you.” Gabriella playfully remarked. “Do you trust me to show you what I like?” She stood and slowly moved toward her assistant, who sat self-consciously at her desk. Gabriella placed a hand on the surface, cocking her hip to one side as she gazed down at Sofie’s lovely face.

The flush on her cheeks only turned Gabriella on more.

Slightly smiling, Sofie looked up with her warm, innocent eyes. While she appeared shy, her body language seemed open and willing. “I do,” Sofie replied softly. “I feel like you would know exactly what to do with me.”

Upon hearing Sofie’s eagerness, Gabriella instantly became even more horny for her. A plan formed in her mind as circled Sofie’s desk. As her mouth curled into a devious smile, Gabriella said, “Alright then, let’s begin. I want you to lock the door and turn down the lights in the office.” She pointed in the direction of the light fixture as Sofie rose from her desk, smiling hopefully. Gabriella watched Sofie’s lovely little figure cross the room, obeying her orders. She felt bolts of desire running between her legs. She knew she was getting wet.What a good girl; am I ever lucky to have found her!

“Now, we are going to pretend that I am the photographer and you are the model. Role-playing this scenario will help you know what to look for at the shoot.” Gabriella added slyly, “Of course, things may get a littleexplicitbetweenus, and this will require some nudity on your part. Are you game?”
