Page 39 of Evading Darkness

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"Are you sure? I thought you two were in a happy, just engaged bliss, and then you just disappeared."

"He lied to me, Avery. He lied, and then he never bothered to look for me."

"I know. That piece of trash waited a whole week to tell me you were missing. I made sure he realized how big of a fuck up that was."

“I told him I was done with him when I left,” I reveal.

“Shocking, the lying piece of shit didn’t tell me that. I’ll deal with him, don’t worry, Cal.”

"Thank you for always having my back. I'm not sure how much longer it'll be until I come back, but just know I'll never leave withoutyou. I made you a promise; always remember that." I can feel the tears welling up in my eyes.

"Do you need anything else from me?" she questions.

"No, I have to go now, Ave. I love you, and I'll talk to you soon."

"I love you, Cal. Be safe."

I hang up the phone and toss it on the seat next to me. Staring at the floor to try and get my emotions under control. She knows I am safe. She knows I didn't abandon her. The tears that were welling up in my eyes recede and I look up at Seb.

"She knows about Rogue?" he asks curiously at the fact that my friend knows about the very secret society I grew up in.

"She's the closest thing to family I have left. She knows everything about me.”

"Interesting." The look on Sebastian's face is not his normal look of contempt.

I glance between the three of them and quickly change the topic back to the most important matter. The real reason we’re all in this situation together.

"Now, what exactly is your plan to deal with my father?

Chapter 27


Why does she keep impressing me? After throwing her in the cell, I thought she would completely close herself off from us. She came out stronger, and I appreciate strength. She even pushed me to make sure I followed through on my phone call promise. That gesture earned so much respect from me, even though I hated the slight satisfaction she got out of being defiant. She came here with a goal and did not stop until she achieved it. It makes more sense every day why Barrett and Kyler have fallen for her.

I won't sit here and swoon over her like they do. She’s the reason my brother's dead. She may not have pulled the trigger, but let's be real: she knew that defying her father could result in unforeseen consequences. Did she expect him to let her leave? Did she really think he wouldn't find out? The man runs a whole secret society. I'm sure there are cameras everywhere. That entire compound is likely covered in them.

"We need to know what your father's weakness is," I tell her.

"Wow, Captain Obvious," she whips back.

Fuck, that mouth of hers. Maybe I should put it to better use. "Cut the smart-ass remarks, Callie. If you're going to be part of this, thencontribute. If not, we can find a better use for you. What do you think your father will do when he finds out we have you?" Her entire body freezes. I know I shouldn't have threatened her with that and immediately regret it.

She lifts her chin and glares at me. "I’m going to say this one time and one time only. If you plan to continue threatening me like that, then just do it. I won't live here in a state of constant worry. I won’t spend every day being afraid that if I mess up, you’ll send me back to him. There needs to be some kind of trust here. After how you acted last night, you're lucky I’m even speaking to you."

She's right. I knew saying that was wrong, but for some reason, I still said it. I need to reign my shit in to make this work. I don't trust her, and I know she doesn't trust me, but we can at least pretend, right?

Barrett speaks up before I’m able to respond to her. "You want trust, princess, you've got it. I’ll keep Seb in line, and I'm sure Kyler will back me on that." We all look over in Ky's direction, and he nods. Of course, they’re teaming up against me to support her again.

"That's the last time any of you threaten to give me to my father like that again," she states with finality.

"Fine, you want trust, then I'll try my best. That's all I can give you for now. I won't threaten you with your father again. That was out of line." I add even though they are all irritating me at the moment.

"Ican deal with that." A small grin crosses her face like she won some sort of small victory. I'd like to wipe that smile right off her face and put her on her knees. I bet if I had her crawling around calling me sir, she wouldn't be smiling like that, or maybe she would. Shaking the thoughts away I walk towards the center of the room.

"I have an idea, but I don't know if you're going to like it." They all look at me, waiting for me to finish. "For this to work, you will actually have to trust that I’m not going to fuck you over. We will only have one opportunity to get our revenge on your father. It needs to be believable."

I can see the look of concern on her face, but she slowly nods for me to continue and says, "If you have an idea, I am all ears."
