Page 45 of SEAL's Target

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“How did you find me?”

He huffed out a laugh, dark and sinister. “That hardly matters, because I’m here now. I can’t stay in Manila forever. New plans are in place.”

“So you flew all the way to Hawaii?” she asked in shock.

“A little detour,” he sneered, his eyes raking over her once again. “I can see why my men liked you. Small tits, but a slim body. Womanly curves. You’re going to come with me before I kill you. After all the trouble you’ve caused, I’m going to enjoy using you first.”

The man holding her shoved her forward, and she gasped, stumbling. Callie had to stall him—distract him—anything. She didn’t want him anywhere near her, but with the two other men here as well, she didn’t think she could run. She was outnumbered. Outgunned. Which one of them had fired a shot anyway? She was too scared to look around but sensed the man who’d grabbed her walking away. They were leaving her here with the mastermind of it all.

“Where were you going?” she asked, her voice shaking. “If Hawaii was a detour, where were you flying next?”

“LAX,” he said, his eyes hard. “Those idiots who took over your airplane didn’t handle the situation with enough finesse. I’ve got new people in place,” he said with a wicked grin. “Simultaneous explosions at multiple airports. Manila, Tokyo....”

“And LA,” she finished. “That’s why your men—the hijackers—were there to begin with.”

He raised his eyebrows. “You saw them?”

“The other passengers did,” she said, lifting her chin. “They were arguing even then, drawing attention to themselves.”

“And they got themselves killed with their incompetence. They’re not my problem anymore, but you are,” he said, his voice hard as he moved closer. “Take off your top, pretty girl. I want to see those tits while you wrap your lips around my dick.”

“No,” she said, her voice shaking. Beads of sweat broke out across her forehead, and she wished she didn’t have on skimpy shorts and a tank top. Not that any form of clothing was exactly armor to protect her from this crazed man. She was going to die here. She knew it. Callie was all alone. Tears smarted her eyes as she thought about how she’d never get to see Wyatt again. What would he think when he found out that she’d been killed? He’d saved her once, but he wasn’t here this time. She would die alone at their waterfall, her body discarded after they had no more use for her.

“Take it off,” the man snapped, stalking closer. “That flimsy fabric won’t keep you from me. You’re the only one on that plane who can identify me, tie me to the hijacking, and I’m going to enjoy using you before I end you once and for all.”

Callie screamed as he launched himself at her, and then they were on the sand as she pushed at him, trying to fight him off. His hands were reaching for her top, moving over her stomach as he readied to yank the material up, and then a single gunshot sounded.

WYATT CLUTCHED HIS rifle as the men jogged on the trail. He hadn’t thought to grab any weapons as he’d rushed out of the bullpen, but thank God Sawyer had. Wyatt’s Glock was locked in his safe at home, and he wasn’t about to waste time stopping there either—not when Callie’s life was at stake. The men were trained to kill with their bare hands, and not having a weapon at the ready wouldn’t have slowed him down much at all.

Fortunately, the rest of the team had caught up to them, Sawyer and Hudson sliding rifles into their hands. It wasn’t exactly following standard operating procedures to leave base for an unauthorized mission with military weapons, but the hell if he cared. If Wyatt lost his career over this, so be it. Callie’s life was at stake. And this fucker had masterminded the hijacking of her airplane. She’d already suffered at his hands, and he’d be damned if it happened again.

While their CO had gotten on the phone with the local authorities, alerting them to the situation, Wyatt and his teammates had rushed off to find Callie. The Honolulu PD was on their way, as well as various other local and Federal agencies. That fact that Callie had come here didn’t mean much in and of itself, but when Alexa had told them about the suspicious person in the parking lot of their apartment complex? Austin had gotten the plate number from the police. It matched a vehicle parked at the trailhead, and Wyatt’s blood had run cold.

He picked up the pace, careful to watch his footing on the dirt trail. It was another perfect Hawaiian day, the birds chirping, the sun shining, and his entire world was about to be shattered in an instant if anything happened to Callie.

Hudson’s gaze swung over to Wyatt’s. “The CO called in for some EMTs to stand by in the parking lot.” Wyatt’s stomach dropped. There was no telling what condition they’d find Callie in. It made sense to stage emergency crews, but he hated to even think of that possibility. As soon as Wyatt had learned that Hasnawi had landed here in Oahu, rage had burned through him. He’d managed to keep a level head until now, but just barely. This was Callie, the woman he loved. She’d come to mean everything to him, and he’d get to her no matter what.

“We’re almost there,” Wyatt told the others. “Less than ten minutes. I’ve never jogged this trail before, but we’re making good time. Hopefully those mofos moved slower than us, and we’re not too late. Maybe they haven’t found her yet.”

It was wishful thinking. They’d landed in Hawaii that morning and gotten a head start. While Wyatt hated that Callie was out here alone, he was thankful she hadn’t been at her apartment complex. Wyatt didn’t even know how they’d found out where she lived. Callie was subletting. Even if Hasnawi’s men had somehow hacked into multiple databases for apartments and hotels on the island, her name wouldn’t be there. It must’ve been some data she’d unknowingly shared with posting her photos and videos that led them right to her place.

“I haven’t been to this waterfall in months,” Aaron said, keeping pace beside Wyatt. “I nearly forgot about it.”

“I wish I had,” Wyatt ground out. “If I hadn’t shown it to Callie, she wouldn’t have come here alone.”

“Don’t think like that,” Austin told him. “Not a single part of this is your fault. She deserves to live her life. No one would’ve expected Hasnawi to fly off the hinges over a single passenger on that airplane.”

“He was that set on hiding his identity,” Wyatt said. “No one had seen his face. I wonder what the fuck he’s doing here with all of his men though? The latest intel was that airports in Tokyo, Seoul, and Manila were the targets.”

“Maybe this was just a stopover,” Sawyer said. “Honolulu might not have been a target, but the West Coast could be.”

“Jesus. Simultaneous attacks?” Hudson muttered.

Wyatt slowed his pace, lifting a hand up for his men to stay behind him. They’d nearly crested the top of the trail, and the waterfall and lagoon would soon be in view down below. He swung his gaze around, looking at his teammates. “If they’re down at the lagoon, they’ll see us up here. We’ll have to stay low to the ground so they don’t spot us.”

“Let’s spread out,” Sawyer said. “Some of us can stay up here, with an eagle’s eye view of everything. This is the way back anyway, so we’ll be able to stop anyone returning to the parking lot.”

“I’m hiking down to the lagoon,” Wyatt said. “Callie’s down there. I know it.”
