Page 47 of SEAL's Target

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“Yes!” she said happily, throwing her arms around his neck and rising up for a kiss.

“Yes?” he confirmed after his lips had eagerly met hers.

“Yes. Of course, yes. We’re together almost every night anyway, and I don’t have plans to move back to California. I don’t want to move back. I love you, Wyatt Miller. My life is here with you.”

“I love you, too,” he murmured. “My entire life is you.” And then he was drawing her even closer, kissing her deeply as their bodies pressed together, their hearts beating as one.

“Geez guys, get a room!” Alexa teased as she and Austin walked over. Callie was flushing, her lips swollen from Wyatt’s kiss, but she was too happy to be embarrassed.

“Aw, Lex, they’re cute,” Austin said.

Alexa elbowed him playfully as Callie exchanged a look with Wyatt. Although both of their friends had said things were casual, they seemed awfully comfortable and couple-like when they were together. Austin had even taken Alexa’s car in for an oil change the other day, a chore she absolutely hated.

“I photograph lovey-dovey couples all the time,” Alexa said. “I was counting on my friends to be more chill than that.”

“I for one am happy to get a room,” Sawyer said, walking over to snag a beer from the cooler. “I need a woman though, otherwise where’s the fun in that? Give me a shout if you see any pretty beach babes I should chat up.”

“Will do, buddy,” Aaron said, clapping him on the shoulder.

Hudson shook his head, a smirk on his face. “If you want women, we should’ve gone to Coconuts. They throw themselves at you there.”

“No problem with that,” Sawyer replied, giving him a mock salute.

“Hell, I had a first date the other night with a woman I met at Coconuts,” Ryan said.

“You did? That’s great!” Callie said, snuggling up against Wyatt. His muscled arm wrapped around her shoulders, and she leaned against him in contentment.

“Nope,” Ryan countered. “It wasn’t great. Not even ten minutes in, and she was crying about how she’d broken up with her boyfriend two weeks ago. The date was pretty much over as soon as it began.”

“You could’ve been her rebound guy,” Hudson said.

Sawyer crossed his arms, grinning. “Now that’s something I have done. Revenge sex.” He lifted a shoulder. “Who am I to turn down a beautiful woman in need?”

“And what exactly was the woman in need of?” Ryan asked dryly.


Callie choked on her laughter as the men howled. “Good one,” Hudson said with a grin.

Alexa bent to open the cooler and winced, her hand moving to her stomach. “Are you okay?” Austin asked, hurrying over as she paled. Two women with a volleyball had just strolled over, talking with the single guys, but Callie hurried to her friend.

“Alexa, maybe you need to see a doctor,” she said.

“Give them some space,” Wyatt said, the others moving away from the cooler. The conversations around them had slowed, however, everyone watching to see if she was okay.

“I’m okay. It’s probably just cramps,” Alexa quietly told Callie. “I’m a bit irregular cycle-wise, but it’s about that time.”

Callie nodded, feeling relieved. “Well thank goodness. I mean, cramps suck, but I was worried about you.”

“I’m fine,” Alexa said, waving her off. Austin was still watching her, looking concerned, and moved back toward them. Callie turned away, ready to snuggle up against Wyatt again, when one of the women who’d just come over gasped.

“Oh my gosh!” the woman cried out. “Is she okay?”

“Call 911!” Austin yelled, already kneeling in the sand as Callie looked over in shock at Alexa’s limp body. Everything happened at once then, with more people rushing over, the men calling 911, and Austin frantically tending to Alexa.

“Alexa fainted, and I can’t find a pulse,” Austin said, sounding ruffled for the first time since Callie had met him. The other men were gathering around now, Sawyer’s fingers at Alexa’s neck as he also checked for a pulse, kneeling in the sand beside them.

“Maybe some cold water will help,” Hudson said, grabbing some bottles. “Put a cool cloth on her forehead.”

Sirens wailed in the distance, and Callie felt her own pulse race as she clutched onto Wyatt. “She’ll be okay,” Wyatt assured her. Callie looked up just in time to see the ambulance pulling up to the beach, and then the EMTs jumped out, rushing toward them.
