Page 20 of Corrupting Cupid

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Standing back, I peered in through one of the decal-covered windows. The interior was mostly dark, but a light shone in one corner, where I could see Eva rolling some sort of contraption up and down the wall to spread paint. While I couldn’t hear any music coming from inside, she swayed her body while she worked, looking more relaxed than I’d seen her.

Rapping loudly at the glass, I waited for her to notice me. When she finally did, she removed a small white object from her ear and hurried to open the door, wide-eyed.

‘I’m so sorry, Amor. I didn’t have a number to call you on. I’m closed for tonight to get some painting and reorganising done for the auction.’

Light pink speckles splattered her cheeks like freckles, and it took every ounce of my restraint not to reach up and caress them.

‘I’m here now. Can I help?’

‘Uh, sure. I guess. I’m going to have to postpone the lesson. There’s too much painting to do.’ Her tongue darted out and wet her bottom lip, sending a jolt straight to my groin.

‘That’s okay. Happy to be put to use in any capacity that aids you.’

A little crinkle formed in the middle of her forehead as she studied me. ‘You are a very strange man. Come on in and grab a brush.’

It turned out that painting a wall was far more relaxing than I thought it might be.

‘Why are you dancing with no music?’ I asked after a time, noticing that Eva swayed as she painted.

‘I am listening to music.’

Looking from left to right, I listened intently. ‘I can’t hear it.’

‘It’s on my EarPods. Here.’ She removed one of the small white things from her ear and held it out to me. ‘You’ve never seen them?’

I shook my head, but placed it in my ear. Music with a heavy beat filled my head.

What kind of sorcery was this?

One of her eyebrows raised as she watched my face. I had a thousand questions about how the magical music thing worked, but I reminded myself that I was supposed to be mortal and kept them inside my head.

‘It’s from the eighties. My Pop used to play it all the time, and it reminds me of him.’

‘Do you miss him?’ I asked as I went back to spreading the rich pink paint over the wall.

‘Every day. What about you? Are you missing your family?’

‘Not as much as I thought I would.’ Largely because my brother popped up far more than he should have.

‘So where are you from?’

Mount Olympus wasn’t an answer I could realistically give. ‘Greece.’

Eva’s eyes glittered as she looked at me. ‘Wow! God, I’d love to visit Greece sometime. What brought you all the way out to Coal’s Lake? It’s hardly a hotbed of tourism.’

‘A happy accident,’ I said with a grin.

* * *

It took two hours to get the first layer of paint onto the two walls we were changing. My arms ached, and I stretched out my back after I finished the upper part of the corner I was working on.

A light touch traced down my back; Eva’s delicate fingers sent a trail of desire through me. Putting down my brush, I turned to face her. We were both speckled with paint, but she still looked perfect. Her dark eyes found my face as she let her hand drag down my stomach and toward the waistband of my jeans.

‘Lesson three,’ she whispered. ‘Is how to receive pleasure.’

I stood frozen as her fingers undid the button on my trousers. ‘Some think receiving pleasure is a passive activity, but you can use the way you react to drive your partner wild. Don’t suppress noises. I love to hear men react to what I’m doing. Let me know if something feels good. Direct me away from anything you don’t enjoy. You can be sweet or firm. You can touch your partner, or use your grip to change the pace.’

‘What are you going to do?’ I asked, my voice already strained.
