Page 29 of Corrupting Cupid

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My home, my perfect home, was a cage. My life was worthless. Just another pet for Zeus to play with.



Penny swept the floor in long strokes as she listened to a podcast.

Jack snoozed on a bench seat against one wall, having not made it home the previous night after one too many beers.

And everyone acted like nothing had happened—like Amor hadn’t sprouted wings whist balls deep inside me, only to be vanished into thin air by two strange beings.

They didn’t seem to know he existed.

The auction night had been a success; my debts would be paid off by the afternoon. I should have been thrilled. Instead, I was wandering around the place like a lost puppy.

Had I imagined him? Did my loneliness cause me to invent a whole fucking person?

The kitchen had still been a mess when he left. His cum still dripped down my thighs as I cowered against the kitchen wall. It couldn’t have been a figment of my imagination.

Not to mention the way my chest hurt when I thought about Amor. The impression he’d made on me in such a short time couldn’t be imagined.

But him being Cupid?

It was preposterous.

‘Penny, what happened after the auction?’ I asked, turning down the volume on her podcast.

She blushed before grinning. ‘Well, Danny and I went back to my place, and we, well, you know.’

‘And you don’t remember me being in the kitchen with Amor?’

Penny sighed and tipped her head. ‘Sorry, I don’t know an Amor.’

‘How many guys were at the auction?’

‘The four who I signed up. Are you feeling okay?’ Penny pushed the brush against the wall and came over, placing her hands on my upper arms. ‘I know it’s been a lot trying to get the bar ready to sell. You’ve done a great job. But I think you might need to take a break.’

Giving a small smile, I nodded.

Making my way through to the kitchen, I pressed my hands against the back of my eyes.

I had to forget him.

For my sanity, as much as the fact he was gone.



My anger morphed into despondence as the days passed. Since my return, my golden and iron arrows had remained untouched. I’d accepted no visitors nor acceded to my mother’s demands for me to visit her.

Anteros had dropped in uninvited, settling into in a corner. Presumably unsure of how to break through my melancholy, he remained silent until the day's light dimmed to darkness. He’d leave in a great flapping of wings, only to return the following morning.

So my existence continued in that state until one sunny morning when my mother arrived.

Her light footsteps on the hard floor were familiar from the many years I’d spent playing at her feet. I kept my eyes closed as I lay out in the middle of the cold marble.

‘My boy, you’ve been touched by the most dangerous of all the arrows.' The soft warmth of her hand against my forehead shattered me all over again. 'You truly feel for the mortal, don’t you?’
