Page 5 of Corrupting Cupid

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‘Whoa, where are you going?’ Anteros was at my heels.

‘To see Zeus.’ I took to the air, my wings carrying me toward the Mount that towered above my palace home. Anteros soared beside me, not one to miss out on the potential to see me humiliated.

* * *

Walking into the throne room, I rolled my eyes. As usual, the gods were mid-orgy. Music thrummed along with a cacophony of moans and sighs. Picking my way through the sea of writhing limbs, I batted off a hand that pulled at my thigh. Anteros slowed behind me, his eyes widening as a pretty nymph licked his hand as he passed. She was being serviced by two men, one lapping between her legs while another groaned beneath her quivering thighs.

Ignoring them, I kept moving.

Zeus sat on his throne, a head bobbing enthusiastically between his thighs.

Standing in front of him, I tried to pretend that he wasn’t mid-session.

‘Cupid, I didn’t think that you enjoyed these parties. Do you want to get on your knees, too?’

‘No.’Gods, no. ‘I want to go on a vacation.’

Zeus’ mouth tugged up at the corners. ‘Do I vex you too much, Cupid? Do your tasks cause you too much toil?’

‘I’ve always done as you asked. I want a break.’

‘Take a few days. The mortals won’t fall apart without you for a week or two.’ He groaned and fisted the woman’s hair, tugging it sharply. Unease shuddered into me at the sight. To my surprise, his rough handling only seemed to enthuse his partner.

‘It’s not just the break. I want to leave Olympus. I want to go to the mortal realm. To experience what mortal life is like.’ I steeled my voice as I spoke, not wanting to show him any weakness.

And he... laughed.

His laughter rose heartily all around us. Hips slowed in their rutting, and eyes turned toward me.

‘You want to take a holiday with the mortals?’

‘Yes,’ I said through gritted teeth as my face heated under the full attention of the room.

‘Why? You have everything you could want here. Endless supplies of food and drink, beautiful women and handsome men, servants willing to obey your every whim, and perfect weather. The mortal world is full of angst and anger. It’s unpredictable.’

‘I’ve spent years watching them, influencing them. I want something different.’

Zeus scratched at his chin before pulling the woman who’d paused her sucking up into his lap. Her face twisted with pleasure as he pressed himself into her, the action hidden beneath her dress, but far from discreet.

‘Fine. You have ten mortal days. No more.’

‘Thank you,’ I said, but before I’d finished speaking, a terrible pain pulled at my shoulder blades.

Twisting, there was no-one behind me, yet the pain continued. Dropping to my knees, I fought against an invisible force until I caught sight of myself in a distant mirror. My wings broke and crushed into my back until they disappeared entirely, and it felt like I was being torn at by Cerberus’ claws themselves. Sweat dripped from my forehead as I took ragged breaths.

‘You’ll be mortal for the duration. You’ll suffer the things they suffer. Hunger, cold, illness, and even death, will all be possible. Do try not to get yourself killed. I’d rather Venus didn’t get on my ass about killing her boy.’

Anteros watched me in horror before he, and then the entire room, disappeared.

Wind whipped at my sweat-soaked hair while the ground careened toward me faster by the second. Amidst Zeus’ distant laughter, a barrier of air cushioned my landing.

Standing shakily, I marvelled at the way my skin chilled under the light rain drizzling against it. Something solid thunked against my foot as I stood. A worn sign with the words Coal’s Lake etched into it. Lifting my gaze the surrounding landscape was green and sparse. But in the distance buildings gathered, small orange lights beginning to appear in the dying light.

What would I find there?


