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Lachlan smiled as his gut clenched with desire for her; he adored Tarley this way, playful and unguarded.

Brinna pulled him through the arched doorway, and Lachlan looked over his shoulder at Tarley, who offered him a smirk, then mouthed, “I warned you.”

Once inside, the rest of the family moved about in a flurry around a small main room of the cottage. Within the main room, there was a living area where Tomas stood with another man—dark haired and handsome in a broody way—an area where Auri and their oldest sister were setting a large table, and a kitchen where Scarlett was hefting a pot toward a countertop. It smelled divine—rosemary and garlic with a tinge of something spicy.

“Ollie’s here,” Brinna announced, releasing his arm to drift to the table, leaving him just inside the entrance. Tarley stopped at his side as Auri and Jessamine turned their way. Their faces and bodies leaned to catch Tarley’s eyes. It wasn’t subtle.

“Mother said to set a place for him.” Auri grinned and winked.

Lachlan glanced at Tarley. “She did.” It was his turn to smirk.

Tarley blushed.

“I did,” Scarlett said from across the room. “Auri, be sure to introduce him to Mr. Uraiahs.”

Auri beamed, plates in hand, and moved across the room to the handsome man next to their father. “A quick interruption. Nixus, Ollie.” She waved between them. “Ollie, Nixus.”

Lachlan shuffled the packages more securely in one arm. “How do you do?”

“Never better, considering this is my first invitation. There’s time to change my mind,” he said, offering Auri a hint of a smile along with an arched eyebrow.

“Ignore him,” Auri whispered to Lachlan. “He’s in a funk because Mother invited you right away, and it took him months to secure an invitation.”

Nixus huffed. “I’m not in a funk.”

Tomas chuckled.

Lachlan wanted to explore his invitation a bit further, as if it was a sign of sorts, but Tarley interrupted, her eyes meeting his.

“Let me take those.” She leaned forward, and as she reached for the packages; her hands brushed his. Sparks burned through him with memories of touching her, kissing her. He wanted to do it again, suddenly.

“This is going to be fun,” she whispered, her lips near his jaw. Then she walked away, still smiling.

He’d never seen her like this, as if every barrier she’d put in place was gone. There’d been glimpses of it when they’d sat around the campfire telling stories. There’d been her letting go last night. This, however, was another facet of Tarley that made her shine even brighter in his eyes. His heart compressed, and he wished they were alone. He wanted to tell her… What did he want to tell her?

Tomas stuffed his hands into his back pockets and rocked back onto his heels. “Nice to see you again, Ollie. I don’t remember catching your family name last time we met.”

Lachlan nodded, reminding himself not to use his real name. “Berkman, sir. Has Mattias returned?”

Tomas frowned, his eyes flickering toward the kitchen, then back to Lachlan. “Not yet, and best we avoid that topic. Fareview women aren’t ones to withhold their opinions–”

“I’ll say,” Nix muttered.

“–and I’ve heard mightily from Mrs. Fareview about allowing her only son to ride toward danger,” Tomas finished.

“He seems a capable young man,” Lachlan said.

“I sent my brothers when Auri mentioned it.” Nixus took a sip of whatever was in the glass he was holding.

“You did?” Tomas tilted his head.

“Auri expressed her worry.”

That was all he said, and Lachlan understood completely.

When the silence stretched a bit too long, Nixus added, “He probably won’t know they are there, but you know—just in case.”

“Hmm,” Tomas said, his tone so much like Tarley’s. “I’m obliged. Though measures of safety rarely matter to mothers, as I’m sure you can attest to.” He glanced between Nixus and Lachlan.
