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“The magic that created it isn’t the kind of magic I can wield. We need magical light and fire. But I know a couple of gods.” Nixus made a disgusted noise, and Tarley had this strange sense she was in a weird dream.

The bored indifference of Nix was a strange juxtaposition to the terror of what was pulsing around her in the glen. Though perhaps Nixus’s countenance was exactly what she needed to remain calm. Everyone else aside from Lachlan, struggling against Captain Johesha’s hold, was frozen with fear.

“Did you say gods?”

“I did.”

Tarley turned to him, mouth agape. “Nixus. As in god of night?”

He turned at looked at her, a true smile blooming on his face. “I’m so honored, Tarley. Auri said you Fareviews aren’t believers in the old gods.”

“Mine! Mine! Mine!”

They both turned back to the creature screaming and floating back and forth in front of them.

“I think it’s screaming at you, Nixus.”

“Seems a bit preoccupied with you though, Tarley.” He unfolded his arms. “Did you speak with it?”

The darkling moved hesitantly toward her, though skirting opposite Nixus.

“I didn’t speak to that!” She pointed at it, incredulous.

“They can shapeshift. In a different form, maybe?”

“A man? Rufus.”

“Ah. Right. A Rufus.” Nix paused, considering it. “It would seem it’s imprinted on you. Won’t stop looking for you—ever—until you’re either its blood-slave or it kills you.”

Tarley paled.

“Though if you die, the bond will break, or so my sister once told me.” Nix glanced at her with a grin. “So which will it be?”

The darkling lurched, then stopped, wary of Nixus.

“Tarley!” Lachlan yelled.

“None of those options work for me, Nixus.”

“Figured as much.”

“But it seems like it wants to avoid you,” she said and turned to look at Auri’s suitor, who also happened to be a god, but he was gone.

Her heart slammed against her chest. “Nixus?”

No answer.

Without Nix by her side, the creature moved toward her once more.

“Tarley,” Lachlan shouted. “Run!”

Only she knew she couldn’t. She’d tried it and failed. She was only alive because of Hep.

No. She had to stand her ground.

Tarley watched as the monster’s form shifted. The shreds of its cloak became legs wrapped in dark trousers with dark shoes on its new feet. Its torso morphed into a chest with arms covered with a dark jacket, buttoned over a white shirt. Normal limbs, shoulders, neck, and its horrific face shifted into one she recognized. Rufus, blond hair and all, completely back together once more, only not as substantive.

“Oh gods.” Jessamine’s grip around Tarley’s arm tightened, and her sister tugged her backward.
