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Who had been wearing the other one?


Lachlan was never letting Tarley go. Not again. So as she rushed across the green toward the inn after Nixus, he kept hold of her hand.

“We need to find out what’s going on.”

Lachlan yanked on her hand to stop her. “Wait.” He grasped hold of her face with his hands and pulled her to him. His mouth met hers with a force that spoke of his fear and desperation. She melted against him, kissing him back. “Don’t ever leave me,” he said against her mouth. “I was so afraid I’d lost you–”

Her hands gripped his shoulders. “I won’t. I’m so sorry–”

He shook his head, his lips still connected to hers. “I’m sorry I wasn’t quicker to defend you.”

She leaned back to look at him, her finger skimming his hair away from his eyes. “I should have stayed to fight.”

He smiled and pressed another kiss to her lips once more. “You should definitely always stay to fight.” He squeezed her tighter. “Because then we can make up,” he whispered in her ear.

A throat cleared behind them.

Tarley turned her head, and Lachlan swiveled to look over his shoulder. His father stood an arm’s length away. Though she hurriedly stepped away, Lachlan didn’t let her go, drawing her back to his side.

Tarley tried to straighten and smooth horrifically soiled boy’s clothing, then looked down at the ground. Lachlan could imagine her trepidation, considering she’d been worried about facing the king in a normal dress. He squeezed her hand, hoping she knew that was the only place she would ever be from this point forward, in boy’s clothing or not.

His father’s eyes jumped to his, then back to Tarley. “It would seem, Lady Fareview, I owe you an apology.” When Tarley moved to speak, he held up a hand. “I misspoke, and my son has set me right about the matter.” His eyes connected with Lachlan’s once more, giving him a nod.

“Your Majesty.” She started to dip into a curtsey, but Mallor stopped her with a hand on her arm, drawing her back up.

“Let’s forgo the formality, shall we. Fields and forests make for terrible places to be beholden to such strange protocols, wouldn’t you say?” He offered her a smile, then cleared his throat. “I understand it is not only an apology I owe you, but my sincerest and humble gratitude for saving my son’s life. And not only have you saved his life, but you also found the assassins to bring him and Jast justice.”

Tarley looked at Lachlan once again and remained looking at him when she said, “Perhaps inadvertently.”

“Forgive me.” Mallor cleared his throat. “I find myself… unsettled by what we witnessed in the wood and what has transpired since.” He glanced around, disturbed like everyone else about being in the meadow of the woods and within a heartbeat standing in Sevens.

“Only unsettled?” Tomas asked.

Lachlan looked at Tarley’s father, his hair standing on end, worry etching his eyes.

Mallor gave him a short smile. “I might have understated that slightly.”

“Pardon me. I need to find my wife.” Tomas nodded then hurried past. “Tarley, Mattias, Jessamine,” he shouted at them, forging the same trail Mr. Uraiahs took. “I think it’s best you come with me.”

“I’m not going behind the hedge! Father!” Tarley yelled after him. “Excuse me, Your Majesty.” She curtsied, kissed Lachlan’s cheek, and hurried after her father.


“You don’t like her?” he asked at his father’s tone.

“She seems a wonder,” his father said, “though I can’t say my first impression is one on which to base a formulated opinion. And I fear based on all that has occurred since, it might be jaded.”

“I’m marrying her,” Lachlan said. “That’s… there’s the treaty.”

Mallor raised his hand. “I don’t want to argue with you. I only wish to tell you that we can find a way to secure a treaty without a marriage. If that is what you want.”

Lachlan took a deep breath, relief at his father’s willingness to include him, to value what he might say. “I appreciate that, Father, but I would marry Tarley, treaty or not. I love her.”

His father offered him a nod chased with a smile. “Well then. I am content with that.” He cleared his throat. “You should probably go after your intended. It would seem there are some family matters to attend to.” He looked around the chaos of the green. “I’ll make sure this gets taken care of. I’ve already sent for the queen.” Then his father grabbed hold of Lachlan and pulled him into his embrace. “I am so proud of you. You will be an amazing king when it is time to take up that mantle.”

Lachlan returned his father’s hug. “I love you,” he said.
