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He yanked her closer. An unpleasant bolt shot through her body at his nearness, a warning.

“It was supposed to be me,” he hissed, “and you soiled yourself with a stable boy. Disgusting,” he said through a clenched jaw, as if he were trying to maintain a smile and present the illusion all was well between them to passersby. “You spoke to me, first. Me. You’re mine. Why are you denying me?”

“Because she’s already engaged,” a voice interrupted.

Looking over Rufus’s shoulder, Tarley found Lachlan’s hard gaze, and relief filled her chest.

Momentarily startled, Rufus’s grip relaxed, and Tarley yanked free and stumbled away.

“The stable boy,” Rufus sneered. His gaze raked up and down Lachlan. “Why am I not surprised to see you? You have a way of inserting yourself between me and what’s mine.”

Lachlan took several slow, even steps toward Rufus. Tarley noted the glaring contrast between them. Lachlan was tall and fit, Rufus was several hands shorter. Whereas Rufus appeared light, Lachlan was dark. Except, Rufus was evil to the core, if the last few moments were any indication, while Lachlan had proven his nobility of his character time and again.

Rufus took a step to avoid Lachlan, and Lachlan bypassed him, coming to stand before Tarley. “Do our plans still stand?” Lachlan asked and grinned at her.

“Yes,” she answered and she loved that his smile deepened. “You’re right on time.”

“Excellent.” He turned his attention to Rufus. Tarley thought she saw his smile harden and his eyes turn cold. “If you know what’s good for you, Rufus, you’ll forget you ever knew Tarley Fareview. In fact, let’s make it any of the Fareviews. Your sight sickens me, and I can’t guarantee that thisstable boy, as you put it, won’t use his fists the next time he sees you. Is that understood?”

Dr. Rufus’s face reddened, but he seemed to know he wouldn’t be able to contend with Lachlan. “You have no idea,” he said, his eyes dark.

“I think I have some. You’re not a nice man, Rufus. So one more thing,” Lachlan said, straightening Rufus’s lapel on his jacket, a little roughly. “If I hear one word disparaging Miss Fareview’s character or any word of insinuation that she’s beyond reproach for saving a man’s life, just one word”—Lachlan tapped Rufus’s chest with enough force to make a sound— “I know who I’ll look for first. Are we clear?”

“Shall we, then, Ollie?”

Lachlan offered her his elbow. “We shall.”

Sliding her arm through his, she caught his scent—a heady concoction of the same scent of the soap she used but smelling so different on him—that both invigorated her and made her feel safe. She loved how she had to tilt her chin to look up at his face, now offering her that smile—a gentle look just for her. His dark brown hair framed his face, giving him a mischievous, boyish quality.

“Following me again?” she asked, glancing over her shoulder as Rufus skulked away.

“I told you I would, remember?” His eyes danced as he looked at her, a jaunty shade of gray green with a ring of copper near his pupil that burst outward. “Wherever you go, I will follow.”

Tarley reached out and touched him, smoothing the jacket that was a touch too big. “Thank you.”

His smile faded. “I saw his hands on you, and I wanted to end him. Maybe I should have.”

Tarley swallowed at the dark words, but they didn’t make her feel fear, instead pushing the pace of her heart, making her want to kiss him.

“Let’s forget Dr. Allean Rufus.” She linked her arm with his. “Are you sure you want to face dinner with my family?”

His eyes curled at the corners with his grin. “How could I possibly say ‘no’ to my future mother-in-law?”

Tarley opened her mouth, then shut it. “There aren’t many who can deny Scarlett Fareview,” she finally said. “You’d think she was the queen of Sevens.”

Lachlan laughed. “I thought that was you.”

“Well,” she said as they left Sevens behind, “don’t tell me I didn’t warn you.”


Scarlett Fareview had stopped by the stables before she’d left the inn earlier that day and had invited Lachlan to dinner. “Come with Tarley,” she’d said. “She’s supposed to invite you, but knowing my daughter–”

“Yes, ma’am,” he’d said, understanding immediately what she meant, but elated because Tarley had indeed invited him. “I’ll look forward to it.”

Trevis had then proceeded to badger him about Scarlett’s invitation the rest of the day, teasing and cajoling, but even that hadn’t kept Lachlan from smiling like a fool.

Of course he’d started the day rather proud of himself, after the night before. Each time he thought about Tarley crying his name as she’d come, knowing he’d given her pleasure, he wanted to go find her and do it again.
