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“She and Nix were able to communicate somehow. Nix told me once that it was like this link in their minds, that they could send thoughts and power down thesethreadsthat connected them.”

Brinna knew now that this was the god-yoke. She’d seen those threads in Auri’s dream. But it was the word Lucian had used—glowing—that stopped her heart with knowing.

“So Nix gave her godlight?”

“Yes. Gifted her his to keep it from the demon fueling the spell. She figured it out before we did, then sacrificed herself to save all of us, to keep the demon imprisoned.”

“But that sacrifice broke the spell and saved everyone.”

He’d smiled. “Exactly.”

“Oh my stars,” Brinna breathed, her hand at her throat.

There had always been the matter of why she could Dream Walk with Lucian and no one else. She’d just thought it was because he was a god, but she’d never shared a dream with another. Not like she did with Lucian.

Her eyes slid to Auri. “Could it be?” she asked her sleeping sister, then looked at her own sleeping form, her pallor drained.

“How did you know you were yoked with Nixus?” she asked Auri, then touched her sister once more and slid into her dream.

She found herself in a room—just like the last one she’d been in with Auri, only now, instead of being separated by a wall, Auri and Nix were lying in one another’s arms shrouded in a golden glow.

Brinna gasped, falling out of Auri’s dream. “Oh stars.” She closed her eyes and thought of Lucian, of being with him, his body connected to hers. Of opening her eyes after. Of Lucian glowing, as if lit from within.

“Is this the dream?” she’d asked.

“We are a dream,” he’d replied. “You are my dream.”

He knew.

They were god-yoked.

It explained everything. The pain in her heart without him. The need for him. The reason she was tethered outside the gray. She might have the ability to dream and Dream Walk, but it was Lucian keeping her there.

The gray tugged harder.

Brinna took a deep breath and imagined cutting its gray thread and strengthening the golden tether between her and Lucian.

She would hold on. She had to.


When they left the hedge behind, Luc hadn’t realized he’d be practically carrying Nix through the woods, but there they were, stumbling deeper into the forest, Nix leaning against him as if Luc were the only thing holding him up. While these woods were familiar to Luc, given how many times he’d been in them, this time he wasn’t alone, and this wasn’t a pleasure jaunt—he was searching for Lexa.

Lachlan and his henchmen followed, making them a strange party.Two gods, a prince, and three henchmen were walking through the woods. Luc scoffed. It sounded like the beginning of a joke.

“How far are we going?” Lachlan asked from somewhere behind him, crashing through the underbrush.

“Has anyone ever said you’re loud?” Luc asked.

“Why? Do I need to be quiet?”

“The meadow,” Nix wheezed.

“When we reach the place, we’ll stop,” Luc called back to Lachlan, then said to Nix, “maybe you shouldn’t be exerting this much energy. We can do this anywhere, right?”

But Nix shook his head. “It has to be there.”

