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She’d had a bad dream.

They’d been talking.

Obviously, he’d fallen asleep.

And he’d dreamed about her.

Fuck. The sensations from the dream stuck to his skin and skittered through his body, his cock alive with all the sensations as if he were an emerging adolescent once more in the throes of a wet dream.

He let himself look at her, chastising himself that this in and of itself was crossing a line. He’d crossed it the minute he’d walked into her room as she’d stood there in her transparent nightgown afraid of a nightmare. He’d crossed it the moment he hadn’t left. Her company was a balm that somehow filled some of the emptiness plaguing him after what his father had done. It was as if he’d needed her soothing.

So he’d stayed.

And he’d fantasized.

His heart was racing, his body still hot with the hazy remnants of the dream as he recalled what Brinna had said about the disappointment when she didn’t get to the good part. It made him smile as he looked at her peaceful face, soft in sleep. Except she looked… upset, somehow, a crease between her eyes, her pouty lips even poutier because they were turned down in a frown.

Then she blinked.

When her gaze connected with his, she blushed.

He had the sensation that she knew exactly what he’d been dreaming, what he’d been thinking. But that was impossible.

“Good morning. Sleep well?” he asked.

She nodded.

He had the compulsion to lean forward and kiss her, which made his heart freeze, then crack with the tension. Unable to stay near her and not fantasize about crossing boundaries, he rolled away and got off the bed, doing what he could to hide his erection.

“I’ll go and get some coffee and breakfast together,” he said without looking at her. And without waiting for her reply, he made his escape. When the door closed behind him, he leaned against it, bent forward at the waist, breathing quickly—too quickly—as if he were a young god before his sex rite, excited by the prospect of first times.

I want your true pleasure, Lucian.

Just a dream.

He rubbed his forehead and pushed away from the door, resolved to remind himself who he was. Lucian Uraiahs. He might not have his god powers anymore, but he was born of gods. And Brinna was Aurielle’s sister. And Nix had expressly forbidden him to cross any lines with Brinna. So he wouldn’t. He couldn’t. He owed Nix. He just needed to get Brinna Fareview home to her family and out of his life as soon as possible.

Resolved, he moved through Sol, and as he walked down the hallway, he lied to himself that he hadn’t felt absolute peace waking up with Brinna beside him.


After Lucian disappeared through the bedroom door, Brinna rolled onto her back with a sigh and frowned at the cedar ceiling. Everything—from the dream, to being in a god’s home, to the terror of the day before—was surreal. All of it crashed against her insides, pooling around in her mind and gut, making her feel slightly nauseous.

She turned her head and looked to where Lucian had been the night before. The sun shining through the windows illuminated the stark bright white of the pillowcase, brightening everything about the room: the white walls, the wooden ceiling, the soft bedding. The indention in the pillow beside hers was still visible, proving he had been there and wasn’t a figment of her imagination. He’d sat with her, and they’d talked until they’d fallen asleep.

Then she’d dreamt.

A vision of a woodland fantasy flashed in her mind’s eye now.

Raining pink blossoms.

A gauzy dress.

Pleasuring herself as Lucian watched.

“Does that feel like you’re not my type,” he’d said in the dream—which wasn’t real, she reminded herself, but something her own subconscious perhaps wanted to hear.

But the recollection still made her cheeks and body heat now. She could feel that desire pooling, rushing like liquid heat to important and pleasurable places. The truth was, it had been his words she had wanted to hear.
