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Mattias, looking hale and huge as usual, turned toward her. His brow collapsed over his hazel-gray eyes. “Of course I am!” The look on his face indicated he thought she was being intrusive, as usual.

Brinna rushed forward and grasped his face, making sure he was real, patting his shoulders and arms. “I’m so happy to see you. I looked for you–”

He shook her off like he usually did, even though she knew he appreciated the attention. “Stop.”

“You disappeared.”

His brown brows crashed together with confusion. “I’m right here.” He grinned and held his arms out wide.

She hugged him.

He hugged her back, then pushed her away.

“What are you wearing?” Auri asked, her head tilted and studying Brinna’s outfit. “Is that a nightgown? Nix told me you were fine, but I insisted I see for myself. Has Lucian been nice? You’ve been nice, right, Lucian?”

“It’s not a nightgown. It’s a dress.” Her cheeks heated, thinking about Lucian seeing her in a transparent nightgown the night before, about waking up next to him, about her dream. “He’s been a perfect gentleman,” she added and glanced around, looking for him.

She found him in the kitchen, just like the night before, pouring hot liquid into a cup. Her heart bounced around inside her chest, drawing in the image he made. He’d showered too, his golden hair damp and wavy around his face. He hadn’t shaved, so the stubble made his jaw look even more defined. His dimples, one on each side, cut into his cheeks as he gave her an impish smile. He wore a simple cotton shirt—a pleasing gray—that hugged his lean torso, with short sleeves so she could see the definition in his arms as he pushed a cup toward her. “Coffee?”

Without saying a word, she disengaged from her sister and padded across the floor, for the first time wanting to be in the glow of his presence.

“I added some milk,” he said, quietly. “I took a chance since that’s how you took your tea.”

Her heart surged, expanding. He’d remembered. She nodded and lifted it to her lips, taking a deep breath to inhale the comforting aroma. “Thank you.” She offered him a grin to match the bouncing of her heart. “I do like a spot of honey in my coffee. Do you have some?”

“I do have honey.” Lucian whirled around in the kitchen, going to a cupboard.

“Stars, honey. I do love honey,” Nix said loudly.

Auri choked behind Brinna, and she looked over her shoulder at her sister, whose eyes were wide in her red face.

“Did I say something funny?” Brinna asked.

“No! It’s just that honey is my favorite,” Nix said. “Always on the hunt for honey with Auri.”

Auri giggled, her hand pressed against her smiling mouth.

Nix tapped her back, grinning at her. “Are you alright, my love?”

She nodded, her cheeks blazing red. “Fine,” she choked again. “Just swallowed wrong.”

“Remember that time–” Nix started with a wide grin, grabbing the back of her neck.

“Nix!” she gasped and pressed a hand over his mouth. “I swear to you, you will pay.”

His grin widened as he leaned forward and spoke words only Auri could hear. Her blush grew fierce. Brinna had the feeling she was witnessing something she wasn’t supposed to be, which seemed to be how Mattias felt as well because he said, “What’s happening?” then frowned.

“Nothing,” Auri said, smiling.

“My brother is being a pest to your sister,” Lucian explained.

Brinna turned to look at him once more, watching as he pulled plates from a cupboard and placed them on the counter.

“And my brother made someone else coffee.” Nix’s dark gaze jumped from Lucian to Brinna, his hands still on Auri as if he couldn’t keep them to himself. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen Luc do something nice for someone else.”

Lucian huffed and poured himself a cup. “I do nice things,” he muttered.

“He does,” Brinna defended, then waved a hand around the room. “Obviously.”
