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“What if our unascended god was unascended because they were disowned?” Nix mused.

“Good thinking, Nixi.”

“Don’t ever say that again, Luc.”

“I kind of like it.”

Nix rolled his eyes, and they settled in to look.

After several hours, Nix stood. “I’m going to grab another set.”

Luc watched him walk away, worried, then turned to Sister Prudence. “You know yesterday, when you mentioned prolonging the fade?”

She looked up from her book and offered her undivided attention, her wide, knowing eyes unnerving.

Luc suppressed a shudder by looking at his current page, thinking of her telepathic question to him. “How would that work?” He turned the page and skimmed the information, sliding his finger down to keep his place.

“Severing the memories?”

Luc looked up and nodded, then lowered his voice. “He won’t do it.”


“Just in case.”

Her eyes flitted to where Nix had disappeared in the stacks. “Perhaps he would do this for his match rather than for himself, then you would not be faced with such a horrible choice, Lucian Uraiahs? Betrayal doesn’t seem to fit you very well.”

He dropped his gaze from her too perceptive one. “How would one do it?” He turned another page. “Please don’t say a spell.”

“No. Not a spell. A god. It’s anoblitoriumand is sanctioned by the god of the Vasmost and performed by an Oracle of the Highest Order.”

The slam of books on the table made Luc jump. “Anything?” Nix asked.

“No,” Luc said, feeling guilty for going behind his brother’s back but resolved he would talk to Nix about it later. After this task. Besides, he knew Nix wouldn’t listen to reason. Not when it came to Aurielle.

“I have an idea,” Nix said as he took his seat once more. “If we don’t find anything in these books.”

“Do share.”

“Lexa. If anyone is going to be able to know magical beings with powers, she would.”

“Or she’d know others who do.”


“Maybe we could find a way for me to Dream Walk,” Nix said nonchalantly as he turned a page. “Then I could see Auri.”

“That is powerful magic,” Sister Prudence said. “Not to be dabbled with cavalierly.”

“What do you mean?” Luc asked, his eyes jumping to Nix and back again.

“There are different kinds of magic,” she said, “or powers, I should say. Gods for example, like you, have natural magic. It is whole and ordinal, defined but omnipotent. It is passed down in the bloodline, transferred, but fixed and awakened by ascension. You, Nixus, for example, have a duty to your power to the night and darkness, shadows, and death. You wield absolute power, but there is balance. You aren’t able to cross the boundaries of Lucian’s power.”

“Yes. We learned this as godlings.”

“This is rational magic. But there is also irrational magic, a means to split, distort, steal, and hoard power. This power can be natural, but it can also be conjured.”

“But energy is fixed,” Nixus said. “I might have absolute power of night and dark, but to create power from nothing–”
