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He sighed, knowing it was for the better.

He would never return to Sevens again.

Never see Brinna.

And that was just fine with him. At least, that was the lie he told himself.


Brinna, third daughter of Tomas and Scarlett Fareview, stood near a wall in the courtyard at the Copper Pot Inn watching the revelry of the wedding party, uneasy at the prospect she no longer felt content and unsure what to do to change it. She was happy for her older sister Tarley, and Tarley’s new husband, who had disappeared some time ago, but as the celebration continued that uneasy feeling grew stronger. Instead of overwhelming herself with such an unruly thought, Brinna straightened her skirts and focused on the beautiful spectacle.

The cold of the fall night—crisp and clear—caressed her exposed skin. There were so many people in Sevens, strangers, most of them, dressed in an array of colorful finery glimmering in the flickering candlelight. Tall spires of fire offered both heat and light. Glasses filled with spirits glinted like fairy lights flitting through the forest as people moved, and the din of their conversation and laughter carried like notes swirling with the music over the cobblestones of the courtyard. People danced to the music, a flurry of movement like snowflakes riding a breeze.

It was romantic.

Brinna loved everything romantic—not that she had any experience in that department. But as much as she loved it, pressing the fingers of one gloved hand against her fluttering heart, she couldn’t help but feel that perhaps not only would she never have this, but also that the moment Tarley left Sevens, a bit of Brinna’s purpose would leave with her sister.

She had been her siblings’ keeper her whole life.

Scanning the crowd, she looked for her family, her eyes skipping over strangers to her parents speaking with the groom’s parents. The king and queen of Jast! In Sevens, of all places!

She found Jessamine dancing with a Jast soldier, though Brinna wasn’t sure who, since there were many. Not that she’d had any means to meet any of them. Scarlett had kept the family busy at the cottage with wedding preparations, preventing opportunities for socializing. “It’s too dangerous,” her mother had warned them, justifying the sequester.

Brinna’s brother Mattias was across the courtyard, frowning at something—or someone—though she couldn’t tell what or whom from her place. He just seemed to glower at the dancers in general. Since returning from his errand for the Queen of Kaloma and since the events in the meadow Brinna had only heard about, Mattias had been moodier. She wondered if perhaps he needed to talk about it. There’d been so little time to debrief the recent events, that Brinna had barely been able to make sense of them herself.

A few steps away from Mattias, Auri and her suitor Nixus Uraiahs danced together, twirling with the rest of the revelers. Nixus bent toward Auri to say something in her ear, and she offered him a secret smile as she moved closer. They lost all semblance of the dance steps and just held on to one another. Given Nixus’s announced intentions, Brinna suspected there would be another wedding soon, which added to her own unease about her place in the world.

Considering her angst, she scanned the vicinity for Lucian—Nixus’s brother—who was conspicuously absent. Brinna suppressed the urge to roll her eyes.


Lucian was an escape artist. The last time she’d seen him had been a few weeks ago, and as it always was when they were together, it had been a disaster.

While sequestered, their mother hadn’t been able to keep Lachlan or Nixus from Tarley and Auri, despite her best efforts. It was clear that Scarlett didn’t exactly approve of either of the sisters’ suitors but lacked the ability to do anything about it. Though Brinna didn’t understand her mother’s disapproval, it seemed excessive. Brinna could clearly see both men adored her sisters, but then their mother hadn’t ever been one to relax her protective instincts. Brinna didn’t think it had anything really to do with the men and more with whatever secret Scarlett was protecting.

On one such day, Auri had insisted Nixus be allowed to visit, but Scarlett had adamantly refused him admittance to the cottage. So Brinna had followed Auri under the guise of keeping her sister safe, but really wanted to see if Lucian had come with his brother. He had.

He’d been standing off to the side, leaning up against the trunk of a tree, the sunlight through the leaves drifting over his beautiful features. “Brinna.”

She’d narrowed her eyes, annoyed at him for being so beautiful, but mostly for acting like such a cad. She’d still been smarting after the dance weeks ago. He’d been so rude, but she was resolved to take the high road.


He’d grinned.

She’d gritted her teeth and looked away.

Auri and Nix had nearly disappeared down the roadway. “We’re going for a walk,” Nix had called and waved.

“Looks like it’s you and me again on chaperone duty. Shall we?” Lucian had asked, stepping into the road, and offering his arm.

As much as Brinna had been tempted to accept his gentlemanly offer—it was sort of chivalrous on his part—she’d just looked at him, untrusting. “Are you sure you aren’t interested in asking one of my other sisters to accompany you?”

His grin had widened, and she’d hated that he knew how much his behavior had affected her. “Well, it would seem that you’re the only one present.”

She’d pressed her teeth together harder and started up the dirt road without him.

He’d laughed behind her.
