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One moment, gentle caresses lure me closer to a lust-drunk, restless sleep, but the next,The Tanker’swarm body disappears from my back and cold metal presses against my front. Fingers weave through my hair and pin the side of my face to the table, filling my vision with the half empty water jug.

I flail, but my full belly slows my reflexes, and he pins my hips to the edge of the table with his own before I land any hits. His knuckles brush against my back, and the scent of his seed fills my nostrils. Another moment passes before I realize he’s stroking his gigantic cock while he looms over my prone form.

I don’t know how to react. Obeying my first instinct—which is to fight and scream—will surely end in pain, and while I hate the degradation of him spilling his seed on my flesh, he hasn’t torn me to pieces like most alphas would have.

I still don’t understand why. Or how. Or what.

So, I clamp my teeth together and endure the ache in my belly, trying to ignore my cheering omega instincts as his vile offering splashes onto my back, shoulders, the side of my face, and my hair.

I blame my reluctance to move on the fullness of my stomach. The unusual food doesn’t sit right, and even though I want more water, the thought of putting anything else down my throat makes me nauseous.

The throbbing lower in my abdomen changes, like there’s too much there, yet not enough. I squirm as the rough surface of the table digs into my hips. He groans and shifts his aim so the fresh wave of musky, salty liquid lands on my cheek and chin. I breathe through my nose and press my lips tightly together.

He pulls my hair, so I push off the table to stand, but he shoves me onto my knees. I balk as he rubs his still-spurting tip all over my face, but he grabs my hair near the roots and mashes the tip of his cock against my lips. Wonder blanks my mind as I push against his thighs and feel the softness of his leg hair. Such a big, hard man shouldn’t be so silky.

“Open your mouth.”

I can’t. I really, really can’t. I’ll throw up. I’m too full.

I shake my head and push against his thighs as hard as my trembling arms will allow. He relentlessly sprays fresh seed against my lips, so I squeeze my eyes shut and clench my teeth.

“Look at me.”

His cold snarl sends dread through me. I lift my lids and look up into his blown pupils. His teeth reflect the soft yellow electric light as he bares them. Another wave jettisons from his cock. His beard does nothing to hide his grimace of pleasure.

“Open. Your. Mouth.”

He punctuates each word with a deceptively slow glide of his tip across my lips and a tightening of his fingers in my hair.

Saliva fills my mouth and salty fluid stings my nostrils, but I beg him with the only tool I have left—my wide eyes—and pray he relents.

He doesn’t. His hand leaves his jerking, terrifying shaft, letting it bob against my chin as he reaches down and digs his fingertips into my cheeks. Pain builds until I open my jaw to avoid injury from his brutal grasp.

Warm syrup lands on my tongue as the startling softness of his cockhead brushes against the sensitive insides of my squeezed lips. He doesn’t push past my teeth, but his purr infects my bones and steals my strength. I stop pushing against his thighs as he fills my mouth, too overwhelmed by his delicious flavor and deep rumble to know what to do. Releasing my jaw, he strokes himself until his viscous fluid drips from the corners of my mouth. Heat, delight, and fear all whirl together, his flavor soothing, yet too much, and I hover between decisions, frozen in place.

He’ll make me regret it if I spit out his offering, but I can’t swallow it. I’ll vomit and waste all the food he fed me.

He tilts my head further back and drops his cock, smearing his seed into my skin.

“Good little omega. Swallow.”

Panic rises, my stomach hurting worse with each passing moment. His expression hardens.

He seals his callused palm over my mouth and pulls me to my feet by my hair and face before bending down and licking my earlobe. The unexpected, sensual caress startles a choked cough from me, but his palm prevents me from spewing my mouthful. I reluctantly swallow so I don’t choke.

In the same way the bath loosened my muscles, his essence softens the ball in my stomach until the pain fades to a memory, leaving a heavy satisfaction behind. I suck in a startled breath when he captures my earlobe between his teeth and flicks the tip of his tongue over my trapped flesh.

Lightning liquifies my insides and chills sweep up and down my spine while tiny, nibbling creatures dance just under my skin.

The itching sensation returns, but the streaks of erotic chaos spearing through me from his teeth, tongue, and seed morph it into a needy ache.

The world shifts until the only thing I have to cling to is my tormentor. He surrounds me with his arms, filling my addled brain with ridiculous thoughts.

He makes the warmest, hardest, yet silkiest nest. I like it.

I drop my head to his solid chest as my adrenaline fades and leaves me boneless.

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