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“What, when?” I interjected, keeping my tone neutral, yet skepticism coiled inside at their claims. Pretty words meant nothing until the actual change happened. These males could prove trustworthy in time, but for now a grain of doubt remained lodged in my heart. I would believe action, not speeches.

“The females will have the freedom to choose which sectors they wish to inhabit,” Teken said.

Crossing my arms, I leveled my gaze at him.

“Amara,” he continued, “we all condemn the slavers’ actions. My Sheleki is an Earthling who suffered. We’ll fight tooth and nail to end this horrendous practice.”

Another Gladiator chimed in. “We’ll shut down this vile operation, but it may ignite tensions with the Omers. A war might be on the horizon, and we have to be prepared.”

My body turned ice-cold at the wordwar. After years in the military, I knew that was no abstract concept. They would lose lives no matter how just the cause. We had to find another way.

Naxer was resolute. “You have my support. Joining the council is the most effective way to dismantle the slavers’ operation.”

Pride swelled within me. Naxer was committing to action, not merely tossing out words.

The Gladiators on the screen nodded in unison, and the meeting drew to a close. They promised regular updates on the rescue operation targeting the incoming Earthlings.

Turning toward me, Naxer searched my face. “Your thoughts?”

“I can’t help but feel a twinge of hesitation about depending on their intervention,” I confessed, nervously nibbling on my lower lip. “I had planned to mount my rescue. But these women here? They need me too. Your Gladiators may be trustworthy, but these women have suffered unimaginable horrors. They need familiar faces.”

Naxer tenderly cupped my face, his gaze intense yet caring. “You’re not just a warrior, you’re my warrior.”

“As you are mine,” I replied before he grabbed my hand, leading me to the vibrant communal area, alive with the buzz of Gladiators and human women mingling.

Amid the lively interaction, some teaching the art of stoking a roaring firepit and expertly cooking meat on a spit, I couldn’t help but notice a few women standing apart. They watched the scene unfold with a mix of curiosity and trepidation, their bodies tense, eyes darting. The rich aroma of sizzling, spiced meats wafted through the air, yet these women remained on the fringes, their wariness palpable.

The shadows of their harrowing experiences were clear in their guarded postures and hesitant glances. Despite the appearance of safety and the efforts of certain Gladiators to start casual conversation, gaining trust would prove challenging. The scars of their ordeal ran deep, making the idea of trusting these alien beings, no matter how friendly they appeared, a daunting prospect.

“We’ll bring justice to those slavers,” Naxer vowed with a voice that was a compelling fusion of unyielding resolve and heartfelt sincerity.

Gladiators and women worked together, arranging a kaleidoscope of dishes on the long banquet tables that groaned under an extraordinary array of dishes, becoming a feast for the eyes. Iridescent fruits shimmered as if alive, and bowls of mushrooms pulsed with a soft, inner glow. Yet amid this bustling activity, the group of reticent women remained, their silent presence a stark reminder of the chasm of trust yet to be bridged.

His fingers traced a tender path along my cheek, drawing me closer to him, each touch sending a surge of excitement through me. “I know this life was not what you expected,” he said. “Just give me the chance to prove that I’m the mate you deserve.”

“You’ve already proven that,” I replied, and it was true.

Our eyes locked, and in that silent exchange, I felt the weight of an unspoken promise. The heat I saw in his eyes set my skin ablaze, tingling with anticipation, awakening dormant parts of me that now hungered for more.

I’d never imagined I could find something so profoundly real and consuming, especially light-years away from Earth.

But Earth, that was my past; this new, enigmatic alien world was my present and future. There was no use lamenting what I’d left behind when what I had gained was infinitely more extraordinary. And having him by my side made everything—even the uncertainties—feel right.

My fingers involuntarily tightened on his muscular chest. A tidal wave of peace surged through me, beginning to erase the gnawing pain and the ghosts of my past traumas.

I’ve never needed someone else to complete me or define my happiness. Yet deep down, I’ve always yearned for an equal. My completeness came from me. But deep down I’d always longed for my equal. A man who respected me and didn’t try to change me. Naxer was the partner for me.

He gently tilted my face toward his, and I found myself lost in the profound intensity of his gaze.

With a voice trembling with emotion, I bared my soul. “I’m falling deeply in love with you, Naxer.”

His grin lit up his face, shining with a brightness that could outshine the sun itself. “I love you, Sheleki. Together, we’re an unstoppable force. We’ll free the Earthlings and bring the slavers to their knees.”

A smile of unshakable conviction spread across my face. There was no room for doubt; with Naxer by my side, we were invincible.

* * *
