Page 44 of Gray Dawn

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“No…” She lifted her hand, aiming for the pocket on her jacket. “Take it.”

Wary of reaching barehanded into enemy clothing, I hesitated, afraid I might slice my finger on a blade laced with king killer or worse. “What is it?”

A sigh gusted past her lips, and she fell still.

“She’s dead,” I called to Dad. “Do you have a knife on you?”

“An athame, yes.” He drew it from a sheath at his ankle. “Be careful. It’s sharp.”

Concern gave way to curiosity as I sliced the pocket free then used the tips of my fingers to dump it out. I wasn’t sure what the black stick that tumbled out was until after I picked it up, flipped open the top edge, and exposed a USB port.

“It’s a thumb drive.” I was shocked to remember the name for it. “Clay stores files like this.”

Colby considered it old school, but I wasn’t sure how she kept things stored in a cloud. The memory stick was tangible, and I understood what I could hold better than the theoretical. With technology anyway.

On my periphery, Blay was engulfed in flames that parted for Asa. “We need to get to a computer.”

“This could be a virus.” I was on a roll today, and Clay wasn’t here to witness it. “It could infect us.”

“You’re right,” Asa said, too many seconds past when it would have come out as a polite response.

“Colby will be so proud.” About to pat myself on the back, I recalled she was in no shape to praise me.

“I’ve texted the cleaners.” Asa checked his phone. “ETA is twenty minutes.”

After shoving Clay’s wig into my pocket, I strode toward the SUV. “Let’s not be here when they arrive.”


The golem

Pain burst.In the golem’s cheek when. Master struck him.

He didn’t hit. Back.

He shouldn’t want. To harm Master.

But his fist. Was tight. At his side.

His knuckles went…




“Why didn’t you tell me about the spell Rue put on your wig?”


Rue, Rue, Rue.

The golem knew that. Name.

“I wasn’t aware it had been cast.” The words flowed from him. “I would have told you if I had known.”

An odd sensation curled through his chest, rising up his throat, locking his jaw.
