Page 56 of Gray Dawn

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“Yeah.” I wrinkled my nose. “The binding is causing magic to go haywire when it hits my system.”

Gentling his hold on me, Asa tucked me in closer. “Do you want to wait for your father?”

“Do you mind scouting one more time, Colby?” I wanted to buy a moment with Asa. “Look for the car.”

Colby shot into the air, determination shining in her dark eyes.

“You’re hurt worse than you want Colby to know.” Asa read me with ease. “How can I help?”

“Dad can channel Mom. He patched me up after he removed the first anchor. He can do it again.”

When his confusion became evident, I explained Dad’s revelation about chakra points to him.

“What happens when the last anchor is gone?”

“Hopefully, the Hunk shrivels and falls off my neck like a cauterized skin tag.”

“As evocative as that description is, I would prefer a more concrete answer before we reach that point.”

“There are several more to go.” I checked on Colby. “Dad has a baseline reading of my normal magic and my bound magic. He’ll examine me between rounds to make sure all is going according to plan.”

The pinch of his lips betrayed how much he wanted to argue against it, but he knew as well as I did we had no better options.

A thunderousboomshook the ground under us, and a pillar of flames gouted into the sky.

Something told me Colby would have no trouble locating the car now.

“I see the car.” Colby swooped overhead before settling on my shoulder. “The engine is smoking.”


Sometimes I hate being right.

Beside me, Asa gave way to Blay, who cracked his knuckles.

Antennae aquiver, Colby readied for takeoff. “I’ll go?—”

“No.” I cupped my hand over her wings. “Stay close until we figure out who’s behind the wheel.”

“Okay.” A shiver rippled through her she couldn’t quite contain before she locked down her fear. “Can I try something?” She read my unease and hardened her expression. “I can heal you. Not through the familiar bond. Just me.Loinnirmagic.” Her fluff stood on end. “Will you let me?”

Clay had warned me that once our familiar bond was cemented, there was no going back. Colby had to use her magic, or it would build up and kill her. I wasn’t sure how that worked now that our connection was clogged, but I figured better safe than sorry.

“I would appreciate that.” I eased away from Blay. “Just don’t hurt yourself in the process.”

A subtle warmth pulsed under my skin where she sat, spreading through my body like a sigh.

The aches and pains dulled to manageable levels, and I blew out a long breath of relief.

“That’s incredible.” I smooched the side of her head. “I feel like a new woman.”

“See?” She was winded but smiling. “I did it.” Her wings drooped, and she melted onto my shoulder. “I’m fine.” She threw off my attempts to help, her breaths coming fast. “I just need to rest for a second.”

Either the kink in our bond or the sheer amount of damage I had done to myself, via the Hunk, had put a bigger strain on her than usual. “Rest all you want.”

“Blay protect Colby.” He reached for her, and she reclined across his open palms. “Blay keep her safe.”

“Thanks, big guy.” I ran my fingers through his hair. “I’m going to check on Dad.”
