Page 92 of Gray Dawn

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“I thought you hired a DJ?”

“I thought I did too, but he didn’t show.”


“Yeah, well, the girls will do a better job anyway.” He ran a finger along the inside of his shirt collar. “Plus, Colby said she could really use the money when Super Mystics drops next month.”

“How sure are you the DJ wasn’t cancelled?”

“Rude.” Clay slapped a hand across his chest. “What are you accusing Shorty of, exactly?”

“Taking steps to ensure she can afford any add-ons they make available?”

Mounts, clothes, weapons, pets.

Sucker that I was, she had already conned me out of the cost of the expansion pack itself.

“The nerve.” He huffed. “I’m offended on her behalf.”

Leaning back in my chair, I dug my thumbs into my eyes. “Mmm-hmm.”

“You okay there, Dollface?”

“Just tired.”

After a month of nonstop travel on theWe’re Black Hat, and We’re Totally Okaygrand tour that carried Asa and me around to the major cities with a strong Black Hat presence, I was burnt out on socializing. It had been worth it to engender goodwill from the people we worked alongside but also mind-numbing to perform the same song and dance routine in every city to prove the Bureau’s solvency.

Watching bad decisions happen in real time wasn’t my top pick for how to spend our first night back, but I was the director now. Sacrifices must be made. I could visit the open bar, smile and wave, and then crawl into bed in the penthouse suite that was our home for the next however long it took to rebuild the redesigned compound and the less imposing manor we intended to offer as free housing to agents.

A knock on the wall drew my attention to where Asa stood framed in the doorway.

“Hiya, handsome.” I wiggled my fingers at him. “I was starting to think you got lost.”

“I’m counting on you, Ace.” Clay punched his shoulder. “Get our fearless leader downstairs in five.”

“Don’t worry.” He smiled a small smile. “I’ll take care of Rue.”

As soon as Clay left, I stood and invited myself into Asa’s arms. He stroked my back and kissed my cheek.

“Politicking took its toll on you.” He slid his hand under my shirt to tease my waist. “You need to rest.”

“As soon as the party is over,” I promised him, pleasant warmth unspooling in my middle.

“What if, instead of partying, we pick a vacant room at random and spend the next week naked in bed?”

Heart thumping harder, I rested my palms on his chest, over his heart. “What would we tell Clay?”

“The petting zoo I hired to set up in the parking lot ought to distract him. There are baby goats. He might not even notice we didn’t make it. And, if he does, they have ducklings and a wading pool on standby.”

Ah. That explained the wait. “And what would we tell everyone else?”

“That the Director of Fun is in charge until we return from a highly classified mission.”

“Okay, okay. I see you’ve thought of everything. But I’ll only say yes if you agree to a 40-30-30 split.”

Caution won out, and he asked, “What does the 40-30-30 stand for?”

“Forty percent sleep, thirty percent sex, and thirty percent cuddling with movies and takeout.”
