Page 11 of Slick (Burnout 2.5)

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Sarah walked into the house feeling completely numb. The November chill should have stung her cheeks just in the short trek from the car to the front door, but she barely felt it. Inside she shed her coat but simply stood in the living room.

Her house, her husband, the life she’d built here, felt like it was all slipping through her fingers. She blinked and tears spilled onto her cheeks. She had survived all those years ago, had dragged herself out of Hell, for what? Sarah had once lost everything, somehow regained it, and now it was going away again. But it was not for nothing. She knew that much.

Since the day she first saw her baby’s heartbeat on the monitor, instinct had solidified inside her. For Sarah the choice was clear, because there was no choice.

“Save her,” she said softly.

Chris, who was draping his coat over the back of the chair, turned to look at her.

“Save her,” she repeated.


She shook her head. “You have to. She’s ours.”

“I can’t do that,” he told her.

Pain twisted inside her. “You will,” she insisted.

Chris rubbed his face with one hand. His face was drawn and he looked tired. “Sarah,” he said calmly, matter of factly. “We can….” He paused. “We can try again.”


“Sarah, listen to me. It’s not worth the risk. I know. I know this is terrible. I know this is the worst thing that could happen. But it has to happen. We have to-”

“NO! She’s us, Chris! She’s you and she’s me and she deserves to have a future!”

“We’ll have another one,” he insisted.

“What if we can’t?!”

He sighed heavily. “I’ve seen the bookmarks on the computer,” he informed her. “I know you were thinking about adoption before we got the news. I know you were going to talk to me about it.” He closed the space between them and took her hands into his own. “We’ll do that, Sarah. If that’s what we have to do. We can have a baby-”

“We already have a baby! She’s here!” Sarah cried, putting one of Chris’ hands on her belly. “She’s already here, Chris. And we have to protect her.”

For the first time since she’d told him about the baby, he pulled away.

“Don’t do this,” she begged.

“Don’t you do this, Sarah!”

“How can you not want-?!”

“Do you think I don’t love her?!” Chris shouted. “Well, I do! She’s my daughter! And I’ve already bought her first present. I love her, Sarah! But I love you more. Don’t ask me to do this.”

“Save her if it comes to it! It’s the only choice, Chris!”

Chris looked absolutely stricken.

“Please,” she begged. “Please. Tell me you’ll choose the baby. Promise me you’ll choose her.”


“Promise me!”

To Be Continued….
