Page 34 of Lucas

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“I thought she didn’t want to go into politics.”Felina moved back for her friend to enter first.

Trish walked through the door with a quick smile for Lucas.“She doesn’t, but with her mother’s death in the middle of her father’s campaign, his campaign strategists thought it better if she stood at his side, showing support.”

After Felina entered the shop, Lucas released his hold on the door and let it swing shut.

“That’s selfless of her to put her life on hold.”Felina flipped the sign on the door toOPEN.“I need to call her.It’s been a while since we’ve had a good long chat or met for a drink at the Crawdad Hole.”

“I’d love that.I only see her when she needs her hair done,” Trish said.

Lucas led the way to the back workroom, on alert for intruders.The room was exactly as they’d left it.He set the bag of food on a worktable and pulled the plastic platters out.

Felina took one of the plates, inserted it into a microwave oven in the corner and set it for one minute.“I’m sure she’ll be glad when November rolls around and the voting is tallied.”

“I’m sure.”Trish roamed the room, sniffing the roses and running her fingers across the blooms.“You go ahead and eat.I just wanted to run some ideas by you now that I’ve had a second look at the venue and a chance to think about what will work on my budget.”

The microwave dinged.“I’m listening,” Felina said as she pulled the plate out and inserted the next one.

“I’m not going to have the arch of flowers and greenery as originally planned.This whole wedding is costing too much.I’d rather not go into debt for one day when I’ll have the rest of my life with Marty.”She shot a quick smile at Felina.

Trish’s casual comment about spending the rest of her life with Felina’s old boyfriend barely fazed Felina.She really didn’t care that Trish was marrying Marty.Her biggest beef with the situation was that they’d gone behind her back.Marty should have ended things with her before starting something with Trish.

“I thought you had money saved for the wedding.”Felina peeled the cover off the heated plate, set it on the table and nodded toward Lucas.“Go ahead while it’s hot.”

“I did have a little money saved, but things...came up, and I had to use it.So, rather than charge up my credit cards any more than they already are, I’m cutting back on some of the wedding plans.I’m not having a dinner.We’ll have finger foods at the reception.That’s going to save me tons.And instead of a band, I got my cousin Arty, the DJ, to provide the music for the wedding and reception.I just have to give him gas money.”

Felina frowned.“These are some pretty drastic changes with the event only two weeks out.Is everything okay?”

Trish gave her a too-bright smile.“Yes.Of course.I just don’t want to burden Marty and our marriage with any more debt than I have to.”

“The things that came up...”Felina stared at Trish, “are they things I can help with?”

Trish shook her head.“No.I’m the only one who can take care of them.I don’t think they’ll be a problem anymore, and I have a plan to pay off my debt.”She flashed a smile.“The plan involves a lot of hair appointments.So, are you okay with backing off the floral arch and maybe making a simpler bouquet?And we won’t need the table decorations since we’re not doing a sit-down dinner.”

“I’m still doing the original bouquet,” Felina said.“It’ll be my gift to you.And let me take a second look at the pavilion where you’re having the ceremony.I might have some less expensive ideas we can employ other than flowers.”

“When do you want to meet at the pavilion?”Trish asked.

“I can be there after five if that works for you,” Felina offered.

Trish closed her eyes for a moment.“I think it will.My last appointment is at four, and it’s just a cut and style.I can meet you at the pavilion.Then we can go to the community center where we’re holding the reception.”

“Sounds good.”Felina smiled.“Don’t worry.Your wedding would be beautiful even if you showed up in a gunny sack.You’re going to be a gorgeous bride.Marty won’t be able to take his eyes off you for a second.”

Trish’s eyes pooled.“You think so?”

“I know so,” Felina said.

Trish crossed the room and threw her arms around Felina.“You’re too good to me.I really don’t deserve your friendship.”

Felina hugged Trish back.“It all works out.I just got a big job for Colonial Day.With you downsizing the floral decorations at your wedding, I can focus on the new job.”

“Perfect,” Trish said, brushing a hand across her cheek.“You’ve made such a success of your business.I’m so proud of you and thankful you’re still my friend.”Her friend squared her shoulders and gave Felina a nod.“Now, I’ve got to get back to those haircuts and highlights.I have a wedding to pay for.I’ll see you at five.”

Trish left the building.

“You’re a better person than I am,” Lucas murmured.

“Why?”Felina lifted the sliced brisket sandwich off the plate and sank her teeth into it.
