Page 27 of Easy (Burnout 4)

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“I want to talk to you.”

“I don’t have anything to say. Besides, I’m busy.”

Easy scoffed. It wasn’t like the Rainbow had cable. “Oh, really?” he sneered at her. “Doing what?”

A large hand curled around the edge of the door and pulled, revealing that asshole Adam, standing behind her. Easy felt another stab of irritation. So, she cockblocked him but was here trying to get some for herself? Oh, that’s some bullshit, he thought to himself.

“Well, surprise, surprise,” Easy bit out.

Daisy bristled and put her hand on her hip. “Shut up. You don’t know me!” she snapped. “Who are you to judge me anyway? You and Ms. Snakeskin Boots should be very happy together. Why aren’t you with her?” She cocked her head to the side and grinned at him. “Or are you done already?”

Easy felt a surge of anger and clenched his fists. “I didn’t get the chance!” he argued. “You ran her off!”

“I didn’t run her off! Milo did!”

“If you hadn’t run your mouth at him, he wouldn’t have known about it.”

Daisy laughed and shook her head. “It was a public bathroom!” she reminded him. “About as private as doing it at the bus station! If you wanted to keep it a secret, you should’ve taken me someplace else. Guess you’re as bad at keeping secrets as every other damn thing. Don’t blame me!”

Behind her, Adam cleared his throat. “Daisy.”

“What!” she shouted at him then bit her lip.

Instead of being angry, Adam looked vaguely amused at the whole situation. He flashed a piece of paper at her, but Easy didn’t get a good look. “I’m taking this,” he told her and brushed past the two of them as he exited the room. Over his shoulder he said, “I’ll let you know how it goes.”

He got on his Harley, which Easy noted darkly had a bigger engine than his own, and drove off. After he turned onto the road, Easy looked back at Daisy. Her clothes were still on, he finally realized. So were Adam’s. “What was he doing here?”

She glared at him. “None of your business.” She backed up and tried to close the door, but Easy placed a palm on it and pushed his way into her room.

“What are you doing? Get out!”

Easy looked around the shabby room that an army of housekeepers couldn’t possibly make presentable. “Don’t have anything to do, thanks to you.” He plucked another piece of paper off the small table and studied it. It was a drawing of a skull with a snake coiled around it. Pretty standard MC fare. The room was covered in them, different images, some darker, some more feminine with flowers or hearts. They were all similar though, they had a certain style to them, he realized, for lack of a better term.

“Did you draw these?”

“Yes, Sherlock,” she grumbled.

“So, this is what Adam wanted,” Easy surmised.

Daisy blew out a frustrated breath and ran her hand through her hair. “I guess. Apparently, he decided for me.”

Easy looked up from the paper. “What do you mean?”

“Nothing,” she grumbled. “Why are you here? You can’t care that much about Ms. Snakeskin Boots. Just go find another one.”

Easy tossed the paper onto the table and avoided looking at her. What could he tell her, that she was the first girl he’d had in two years? That some small part of him was actually relieved Holly had ditched him? He, for damn sure, wasn’t about to tell her he’d lost his mojo.

At that moment, he understood exactly why he’d shown up here, and it wasn’t to give her hell over losing Holly. He might have been nervous about taking Holly home, but he’d already screwed Daisy, if not spectacularly badly. So what would it hurt to try again? And she didn’t like him anyway. What could he possibly lose?

“You fuck Adam?”

“What business is it of yours?”

“I just want to know. Was he just here for the drawings, or are you fucking him?”

“Both!” she snapped, then sighed and waved her hand as if he was a gnat annoying her. “Or… either. One of those two.”

Easy rolled his eyes at her. “Which is it?”

“He told me I had to pick. Screw him or have him take me on as an artist at his shop. He doesn’t do both.”

“And you picked working with him.”

She glared at him. “I didn’t get a chance to! You showed up, spewing your bullshit. Adam took a sketch and walked out. Like I said, I guess he chose for me.”

Easy took a step toward her. Daisy continued to glare at him, but she didn’t back away. “Would you have fucked him?” he asked her quietly.

She shrugged angrily. “I don’t know. Probably. I sure as hell wanted to. God knows I’m about tired of getting myself off.”

Easy grinned at her. “Yeah, I heard about your dry spell.”
