Page 51 of Easy (Burnout 4)

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“Well, the next time you’re out with her,” Daisy declared, “you just sit her down and tell her how you feel. If she-”

“Out?” Milo asked, shaking his head. “We don’t go out.”

“What do you mean you don’t go out?”

Milo shrugged. “I just mow her lawn. One time I fixed her fence. And once a shingle came off her roof, and she needed me to fix it before the next storm.” A twinkle lit up his eyes as he spoke. “She called me at night for that one. Saw her in her nightgown.”

Daisy stared at him and then blew out a harsh breath. “Are you telling me you play Mr. Fix It for this woman, and you’ve never even had a date?”

“Didn’t think she’d agree,” Milo admitted. “I’m hoping maybe someday she will. I can just keep mowing her lawn, and maybe someday-”

Daisy threw up her hands in exasperation. “Jesus, Milo! You’ve got to stop that.”

Milo’s face darkened. “But she needs me.”

“Does she? Or does she keep calling because you keep picking up the phone? You know, it’s okay to sacrifice for other people if they’re worth it. But if you keep doing it without getting anything back, then eventually they have everything, and you ain’t got jack shit.”

Chapter 29

As Daisy fixed her hair in the bathroom mirror of her room at the Rainbow, her phone rang again. She sighed. As soon as she found herself a place, she was going to get herself a new number. She glanced down, though, and saw that it wasn’t Matt -again- but Sarah calling.

“Hey,” came Sarah’s voice over the phone. “I just wanted to make sure you’re coming tonight.”

“Yeah,” she replied. “I just need a ride.”

“Abby will come get you. If you start early and have a good night, you’ll be able to afford your own car soon.”

Daisy laughed. “I don’t know if they’ll let me play. Tex thinks I’m cheating.”

“He just wishes he could. He’s a man of questionable morals.”

“Don’t we all want one of those?”

There was a bit of a silence after that. Sarah was still disappointed things hadn’t worked out with Easy, but probably not as much as Daisy. There was no point in re-hashing it.

Changing the subject for both their benefits, Daisy said, “I have enough saved up for first and last on a new place.”

“Awesome! I’ll help you look this weekend, if you want. We’ll take my car.”

“Preferably something close to Tildy’s place,” Daisy told her. “I like hanging out with her.”

“Absolutely,” Sarah replied. It was hard to tell whether she was enthusiastic about the idea in general or the fact that being close to Tildy meant being close to Jimmy. It was hard to believe the woman would give up so easily. She cared about the stubborn ass too much.

They hung up, and Daisy headed outside to wait for Abby. She made it to the sidewalk before her phone rang again. She pressed the button and held it to her ear.

“Forget something?” she asked.


Daisy frowned and silently cursed. What was the point of Caller ID if you were too dumb to remember to check it?

“Matt, I’m busy.”

“No, you’re not.”

“I am actually. I have plans.”

“It’s Thursday night.”

Daisy shielded her eyes from the setting sun and searched the street for Abby’s car. “It’s poker night,” she told him.

He laughed. “Remember when we used to play at Ricky’s?”

Daisy rolled her eyes. “I’m trying to forget.”

“Best tits I ever saw,” he drawled.

She made a face. Matt hadn’t been so bad himself, not as hot as anyone she’d seen in Rapid City so far, but a well-hung bad boy on a bike had always gotten her motor revving. Too bad they were never good for the long haul.

Matt’s tone turned sharp, and Daisy had already gotten over the call. “You ain’t stripping for your new friends, are you?” he asked.

Daisy groaned. “No, Matt. I’ve grown up a little since then. You should try it.”

“I am!” he shot back. “I told you! I got a job and-”

Daisy spotted Abby’s car, and she sighed in relief. “I gotta go. My ride’s here.”

She disconnected the call and pocketed the phone. The next thing on the list was definitely a new number.

When Daisy entered the Sullivan house, she saw Sarah with the phone pressed to her ear. She waved Abby and Daisy over. “Tildy,” she told them.

“Happy honeymoon, Tildy!” Abby called into the receiver as Sarah held it out.

“Hey!” said Daisy. “So, Hawk gave you a break long enough to call us?”

“Daisy!” Tildy chided over the speaker phone.

Abby laughed. “It’s amazing,” she said. “You can almost hear her blushing over the phone.”

“How’s New Mexico?” Daisy asked.

“It’s beautiful!”

“Did you go to that cafe I told you about?” Sarah asked.

“Yeah,” said Tildy. “I think I ate enough for three.”

“Well, enjoy it until the morning sickness kicks in,” Sarah replied.

“Ugh. I’m not looking forward to that.”
